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Order Of Temporary Custody -FWSN Form. This is a Connecticut form and can be use in Juvenile Statewide.
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Tags: Order Of Temporary Custody -FWSN, JD-JM-123, Connecticut Statewide, Juvenile
JD-JM-123 Rev. 8-11
C.G.S. 46b-149(f), PA 11-51, Sec. 19,
PA 11-240, Sec. 2
Address of Court
Docket number
Telephone number
Name and address of child
Date of birth
Name and address of mother
Name and address of father
Name of guardian (if any) and address
Name and address of putative father (if any)
If parent(s) is/are minor(s), name(s) and address(es) of grandparent(s) or guardian(s)
Upon the petition and the verified affirmation of facts, the court finds:
(A) A strong probability that the child may do something that is injurious to himself/herself prior to court disposition;
(B) a strong probability that the child will run away prior to the hearing; or
(C) a need to hold the child for another jurisdiction,
and further that the conditions or the circumstances surrounding the care of the child require that custody be
immediately assumed to safeguard the welfare of the child and that continuation in the home is contrary to the welfare
of the child, AND
Reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child were made by the state;
Reasonable efforts to prevent or eliminate the need for removal of the child from the home were not possible; or
Reasonable efforts were not made.
It is hereby ordered that:
the child be given into the temporary custody of
pending a hearing as set forth below on the confirmation of this order.
And it is further ordered that the child/mother/father/guardian named above be and hereby are summoned to
appear before the court on the Hearing Date(s) set out below, at the address shown above by having a proper officer
leave a true and attested copy of this order and summons with them or at their usual place of abode, or if so ordered,
by publication or mail and return same to the court on or before the date indicated.
Hearing Date - Temporary Custody T
Time of hearing
Hearing Date - Petition T
Time of hearing
Publication for:
Name of Judge
Certified mail for:
Service to be made on or before (Date)
Return date
Date signed
Signed (Judge)
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RIGHT TO COUNSEL AND TO REMAIN SILENT: If you want an attorney to represent you but are unable to pay for one, upon proof of
your inability to pay, the court will ensure that an attorney is provided for you by the Chief Public Defender. A request for an attorney
should be made immediately at the court office where your hearing is to be held. Any child shall have the right to remain silent at any
stage of the proceedings. A parent or guardian may elect or refuse to testify for or against a child who is the subject of a family with
service needs proceeding. If a petition is filed alleging the child is neglected, uncared for or abused dependent, the parent or guardian
has the right to remain silent at any stage of the proceedings and cannot be forced to testify if the testimony might tend to incriminate in
any criminal proceeding or to establish the validity of the facts alleged in the petition.
ADA Notice
The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact the court
clerk at the number listed above or an ADA contact person at
Return Of Service
Docket number
State of Connecticut
County of
Name of person(s) served
Date of service
Then and there, I duly served the foregoing petition, order and summons on the above-named
respondent(s), by either (check one):
leaving with (for in hand); or
leaving at the usual place of abode (for abode)
The within and foregoing is a true and attested copy of the original petition, order, and summons.
Attest (Signature and title of proper officer)
State of Connecticut
County of
Name of person(s) served
Date of service
Then and there, I duly served the foregoing petition, order and summons on the above-named
respondent(s), by either (check one):
leaving with (for in hand); or
leaving at the usual place of abode (for abode)
The within and foregoing is a true and attested copy of the original petition, order, and summons.
Attest (Signature and title of proper officer)
For Mail Service
State of Connecticut
County of
United States Post Office at (Town)
Date of service
Then and there, by virtue hereof, I made service of the within petition, order and summons by
depositing a true and attested copy by United States Post mail, postage prepaid, addressed to
restricted delivery, return receipt requested; or
first class mail; or
certified mail, return receipt requested.
The within and foregoing is a true and attested copy of the original petition, order, and summons.
Attest (Signature and title of proper officer)
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American LegalNet, Inc.