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CONNECTICUT PROBATE COURTS Initial Acceptance of Trust/ Testamentary Trustee PC-284 R. /1 RECEIVED : Instructions: 1) A person, individually or on behalf of a corporation who has been named as a trustee of a testamentary trust, may use this form to accept the position of trust. The designated trustee may also use this form to indicate whether the will excuses the trustee from filing periodic accounts or makes special provisions with regard to filing requirements. 2)If an individual trustee is not a Connecticut resident, form PC-482, Appointment of Judge or Probate asAgent fProbate Court Name District Number Estate of ,deceased Date of Death Identification of Trust The trust created under article of will (List paragraph or section number) For benefit of Beneficiaries and Remaindermen: List name, address and type of interest, i.e, beneficiary or remainderman. date of birth ifadjudicated incapable, also provide name and address of fiduciary. See Probate Court Rules of Procedure, rule 32 for more information. 1) 2) 3) 4) Trustees: List name, addresses, and phone number1) 2) 3) 4) American LegalNet, Inc. CONNECTICUT PROBATE COURTS Initial Acceptance of Trust/ Testamentary Trustee PC-284 R. /1 Having been designated as trustee of the above trust created under the will of the deceased, I accept the position of trust. The will excuses the trustee(s) from filing periodic accounts or contains a special provision with respect to filing requirements under paragraph . Such provision does not excuse the requirement of a final account, except as provided by section 32.7 of the Probate Court Rules of Procedure. Probate Court Name District Number Estate of ,deceased Date of Death Signature of Trustee Signature of Trustee Type or print name Type or print name Date Date Signature of Trustee Signature of Trustee Type or print name Type or print name Date Date Initial Acceptance of Trust/Testamentary Trustee PC-284 Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.