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Uniform Commercial Code Filing Sheet (UCC Cover Memo) Form. This is a Delaware form and can be use in Division Of Corporations Department Of State.
Tags: Uniform Commercial Code Filing Sheet (UCC Cover Memo), Delaware Department Of State, Division Of Corporations
Instructions for properly completing a UCC Memo Mark the appropriate priority box. (Additional Expedited Cost) Fees: Priority 1 (One Hour) Priority 2 (Two Hr) Priority 3 (Same Day) Priority 4 (24 Hr.) - Submitter's Information 1. 2. $1,000.00 $500.00 $200.00 $100.00 Completely fill out your individual or business/firm name and complete address. The attention line needs to be completed if a business or firm name is listed. The account number is only to be completed by entities that have an existing Depository account with the Division of Corporations. Please ignore this field if you do not have a Depository account. Filing Information Complete the name of the Debtor/Trust, type document, UCC File number (only for UCC-3's) and date formed (trusts only). Credit Card Information All credit card information must be completed. If the credit card information is not the same as it is listed with the submitter's information, then please specify the correct information in the comments/filings instruction area on the bottom right hand side of the memo. You must also include your 3-4 digit security code on the back of the card. Please contact our office at 302-739-3073 with any questions concerning completing the memo or the UCC filing. Mailing Address: Division of Corporations 401 Federal St. � Ste 4 Dover, DE 19901 Please note: No email or fax return service is available. American LegalNet, Inc. State of Delaware - Division of Corporations UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FILING SHEET � Fax 302-739-3812 Priority 1 (One Hr.) Priority 2 (Two Hr.) Priority 3 (Same Day) Priority 4 (24 Hour) Priority 7 (Reg. Work) SUBMITTER'S INFORMATION Company/Firm or Individual's Name Return Address City � State - Zip Attention: Phone# E-mail address Account Number (to be used when charging a Depository Acct.) Fax# DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE UCC REQUEST INFORMATION Debtor/Trust Name/Number Identifier Type of Document - UCC Type Filing Number(UCC-3 only)_______________________________ Date Trust Formed -_________________________________ UCC FILING REQUEST INFORMATION # of Certified Copies - _____________ Check #___________________________ Total $ Enclosed___________________ METHOD OF RETURN _____ Messenger/Pick up _____ Express Service Delivery - Select Service Acct#___________________________________ _____ Regular Mail _____ Other __________________________________ Fax or e-mail is not available Card Type CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Select - COMMENTS/FILING INSTRUCTIONS Expiration Date / Sec. Code_________ Signature __________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. Visit for complete instructions on how to properly complete this memo. Fully shade in the required Priority Square using a dark pencil or marker, staying within the square. Each request must be submitted as a separate item, with its own Filing Sheet as the FIRST PAGE. Delaware Division of Corporations, 401 Federal Street, Ste. 4, Dover, De 19901 American LegalNet, Inc.