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Pro Se Petition To Expend For A Disabled Person Form. This is a Delaware form and can be use in Chancery Court Statewide.
Tags: Pro Se Petition To Expend For A Disabled Person, Delaware Statewide, Chancery Court
IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE Register in Chancery Kent County 38 The Green, Ste. 208 Dover, DE 19901 302 - 735 - 1930 Register in Chancery New Castle County 500 N. King Street, St e . 11600 Wilmington, DE 19801 302 - 255 - 0544 Register in Chancery Sussex County 34 The Circle Georgetown, DE 19947 302 - 856 - 5775 Procedures for filing a Petition to Expend for a Person with a Disability The petition to expend requires the following : o A completed petition. The court clerk cannot complete the petition for you. The guardian s(s ) signature(s) must be notarized. If you appear in the signature(s) can be O ffice . o A copy of the guardianship bank statement(s) dated within the thirty days prior to filing the petition. o Supporting documentation . Provide any receipts, invoices and other documentation that detail the expense s for which you are petitioning. o The f iling fe e for the petition is $35.00 . We accept cash, check or money order (made ) . photocopies of all makes photocopies for you, we will charge a $1.50 per page fee. When submitting your supporting documentation, it must be filed on regular 11 x 8.5 paper that can be easily scanned onto the computer. You may mail the completed petition to the Register in Chancery in the county where your guardianship case was established and the completed order will be mailed back to you. As part of the order, the guardian(s) will be responsible to file all receipts within twenty days with the Register in Chancery . If the guardian(s) fail(s) to file the proper receipts, all future petitions may be denied. If approved, the order to expend will require the bank to issue a check made payable directly to the company. Rev. 05 /201 8 American LegalNet, Inc. IN T HE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE In the Matter of: , A p erson with a d isability : : : : C.M. #: PETITION TO EXPEND 1. Name of guardian(s): . 2. Date guardian(s) was/were appointed: . 3. Information about the guardianship bank account(s): a. Name of bank(s) where guardianship account(s) is/are: b. Current net balance of all assets owned by the p e rson with a d isability: 4. Information about the money being requested: a. Total amount requested: $ b. The money will be used for the following reason(s): c. The money will be withdrawn from the guardianship account at [Name of bank where the money will be withdrawn from], account number ending in [Last four digi ts of the account number]. American LegalNet, Inc. 5. I/We understand if the order to expend is approved, I/ w e will be responsible for filing all receipts within twenty days of the court order . Co - Complete a ddress Complete a ddress Phone Number Phone Number STATE OF : COUNTY OF : This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of , 20 by [Name of affiant] . Notary Public/ Chancery Court Clerk American LegalNet, Inc.