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Petition To Sell Motor Vehicle Form. This is a Delaware form and can be use in Chancery Court Statewide.
Tags: Petition To Sell Motor Vehicle, Delaware Statewide, Chancery Court
IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE Register in Chancery Kent County 38 The Green, Ste. 208 Dover, DE 19901 302-735-1930 Register in Chancery New Castle County 500 N. King Street, Ste. 11600 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-255-0544 Register in Chancery Sussex County 34 The Circle Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-5775 Procedures for filing a Petition to Sell A Motor Vehicle ~The petition to sell a motor vehicle must be filled out completely. +The court clerk cannot complete the petition for you. +The guardians(s) will need to have their signature(s) notarized. (If the guardian(s) appear in the Register's office with identification & the correct paperwork, their signature(s) can be notarized by a court clerk in the Register's office.) ~A printout showing the Kelley Blue Book value. ~Either a notarized consent from all interested parties or an affidavit of mailing completed by the guardian(s) showing a copy of the petition was mailed to the interested parties. ~The filing fee for the petition is $35.00. Payment must be received before the petition can be accepted by our office. We accept cash, check or money order (made payable to the "Register in Chancery"). ~It is the petitioner's responsibility to provide the Court with photocopies of all supporting documentation. If the Register in Chancery's office makes photocopies for you, we will charge $1.50 per page. When submitting your supporting documentation, it must be filed on regular 11 x 8.5 paper that can be easily scanned into the computer. American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN THE MATTER OF: __________________________, A disabled person : : : : : : C.M. # _______________ PETITION TO SELL A MOTOR VEHICLE The petition of _________________________________________, Guardian(s) (Name of guardian(s)) of ___________________________________, a disabled person, respectfully (Name of disabled person) petitions and represents to this Honorable Court as follows: 1. The Petitioner(s) was/were appointed Guardian of the person and/or property of the disabled person by Order dated _________________. 2. The Petitioner(s) respectfully requests authority to sell the disabled person's motor vehicle, a _____________________________________________, (Year, make and model of vehicle) having ______________ miles on it, for a price of $________________________, (M ileage on odometer) (Sale price of vehicle) to _________________________________. (Name of person/company purchasing vehicle) 3. The Kelly Blue Book value of the motor vehicle is attached listing the vehicle as valued at $_____________________________. 4. The guardian(s) believe(s) the condition of the car is _________________ based on ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. American LegalNet, Inc. WHEREFORE, the petitioner(s) respectfully prays that the Court: 1. Enter an Order directing the sale of the motor vehicle and directing the deposit of the proceeds of the sale into the guardianship account previously established. 2. Order such further relief as it deems just and equitable under the circumstances. _________________________ Petitioner's Signature _________________________ Address _________________________ Address _________________________ Phone Number ____________________________ Co-Petitioner's Signature ____________________________ Address ____________________________ Address ____________________________ Phone Number The above named Petitioner(s), having been duly sworn, deposes and says that the facts above recited are true and correct to the best of his/her/their knowledge. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of _____________, 20______. ______________________________ Register in Chancery/Notary Public American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN THE MATTER OF: _____________________________, A disabled person : : : : : C.M. # __________ CONSENT TO SELL MOTOR VEHICLE I, ___________________________________, do hereby consent to the (Name of Interested Party) Petition to Sell a Motor Vehicle which is owned by the disabled person. I understand this petition is in reference to a _______________________________, (Year, make and model of vehicle) having ______________ miles on it, being sold for $________________________, (M ileage on odometer) (Sale price of vehicle) to _________________________________. (Name of person/company purchasing vehicle) _________________________________ Signature Address: ___________________________________________________________ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, a notary/clerk of the Court on this _____ day of _______________, 20______. ______________________________ Notary Public/Chancery Court Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN THE MATTER OF: _____________________________, A disabled person : : : : : C.M. # ____________ AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING I/We herby certify that on _____________________, 20_______, I/we did send, via U.S. Mail, a copy of the Petition to Sell a Motor Vehicle to the following individuals: Name Address ________________________ ______________________ Petitioner Co- Petitioner (if applicable) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me, a notary/clerk of the Court on this _____ day of _______________, 20______. _____________________________ Notary Public/Chancery Court Clerk American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN THE MATTER OF: __________________________, A disabled person : : : : : : C.M. # _______________ ORDER AUTHORIZING SALE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE AND NOW TO-WIT, it appearing that the Petition to sell the disabled person's motor vehicle having been presented and duly considered by the Court; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED this __________ day of _________________, 20_____, as follows: 1. The Guardian(s) is/are authorized to sell at private sale, and convey the disabled person's interest, to a ______________________________________ motor vehicle to ____________________________________, for the purchase price of $___________________________. 2. The net proceeds from said sale shall be deposited into the guardianship bank account. 3. The Guardian(s) shall submit proof within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale of said motor vehicle that the proceeds were deposited into the gua