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Form 279 (Rev. 01/12) The Family Court of the State of Delaware In and For New Castle Kent Sussex County AFFIDAVIT OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Petitioner Respondent File Number(s) Petition Number(s) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this date, , the Affiant, , personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State and County aforesaid, who, being by me duly sworn according to law, has read or has been advised of the following children's rights: 1. The right to a continuing relationship with both parents. 2. The right to be treated as an important human being, with unique feelings, ideas and desires. 3. The right to continuing care and guidance from both parents. 4. The right to know and appreciate what is good in each parent without one parent disregarding the other. 5. The right to express love, affection and respect for each parent without having to stifle that love because of fear of disapproval by the other parent 6. The right to know that the parents' decision to divorce were not the responsibility of the child. 7. The right not to be a source of argument between the parents. 8. The right to honest answers to questions about the changing family relationships 9. The right to be able to experience regular and consistent contact with both parents and the right to know the reason for any cancellation of time or change of plans 10. The right to have a relaxed, secure relationship with both parents without being placed in a position to manipulate one parent against the other. Affiant Sworn to subscribed before me: Date Clerk of Court/Notary Public Date American LegalNet, Inc.