Garnishment Of Wages And Or Property (Attachment Fieri Facias) Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Garnishment Of Wages And Or Property (Attachment Fieri Facias) Form. This is a Delaware form and can be use in Justice Of The Peace Court Statewide.
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Tags: Garnishment Of Wages And Or Property (Attachment Fieri Facias), 17, Delaware Statewide, Justice Of The Peace Court
IN THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, IN AND FOR COUNTY COURT NO COURT ADDRESS CIVIL ACTION NO PLAINTIFF/JUDGMENT CREDITOR: Name Address VS. DEFENDANT/JUDGMENT DEBTOR: Name Address SERVE ON: Employer/Garnishee Name R ETURN DATE: (Date/Time) ADDRESS: (street, city, state, zip code) SERVE D ON: CONSTAB LE: PLEASE ISSUE A WRIT OF GARNISHMENT (Attachment Fieri Facias) on the judgment in the above case to be directed to the Employer/Garnishee named above. THE AMOUNT NOW DUE on the judgment is as follows: $ Original amount of judgment (excluding costs, attorneys' fees and pre-judgment interest) $ Pre-judgment interest $ Less total credits $ Net $ Plus post-judgment per diem rent of $ X days (summary possession cases only) $ Plus post-judgment interest at % per year $ Plus court costs due, including costs for this form. $ Plus attorneys' fees, if allowed by judgment. $ TOTAL DUE ON JUDGMENT GARNISHMENT OF WAGES AND/OR PROPERTY(ATTACHMENT FIERI FACIAS) DATE OF JUDGMENT: The foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. DATE: Signature of Plaintiff or Attorney TO THE CONSTABLE: YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to summon the Garnishee to answer this request for garnishment of wages of , the Defendant. TO THE GARNISHEE: YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO WITHHOLD THE ATTACHABLE WAGES OF THE DEFENDANT/DEBTOR FOR ANY WO RK WEEK OR OT HER PAY PERIO D A ND ALL MO NEY OR O THER PROPERTY OF THE DEBTOR IN YOUR POSSESSION until the judgment, interest, other charges and costs as specified in above are satisfied or until otherwise notified by this Court. To determine the amount of wages to withhold, see attached Justice of the Peace Civil Form No. 34. RETURN THE ENCLOSED ANSWER TO THE COURT WITHIN 20 DAYS. You are further orde red to send the a mount w ithheld directly to the Plaintiff/Creditor o r his lega l representative and not to the Court. All such wages, money, etc. must be held for the benefit of the Judgment/Creditor and may not be disbursed to the Judgment/Debtor except upon order of the Court. Federal and State exemptions may be available. Please provide a copy of this order to the Judgment/Debtor. The judgment may be transferred from the Defendant to you if you fail to comply with this Order. IT IS SO ORDERED this day of, , . (SEAL) Justice of the Peace VIEW YOUR CASE ONLINE: JP. Civil Form No. 17 (Rev. 11/6/15) Doc. No. 02-13-96-06-12 American LegalNet, Inc.