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IN THE ______________ COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR ___________________ COUNTY STATE OF DELAWARE vs NAME: DOB: ) ) ) ) ) ) CRA. NO. CR. ID. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the above named defendant of the unpaid fines and penalties in the amount of $_____________________ respectively. Said fines and penalties were imposed by Order of this Court as part of a criminal sentence. To secure payment of fines and penalties the Defendant is hereby put on notice the Court can among other things, take the following action(s). (1) CONTEMPT OF COURT-Upon failure to make any payment or failure to comply with a payment schedule will result in a contempt of court. Defendant will be sentenced accordingly. WAGE ATTACHMENT-The Court may collect outstanding fines and penalties through either a voluntary or involuntary wage attachment. DRIVER'S LICENSE-The Court can confiscate a driving license pending repayment of fines and penalties. CIVIL JUDGEMENT-The Court can enter a civil judgement against the defendant personally. A civil judgement effectively precludes a defendant from borrowing money or securing credit. INCOME TAX REFUND-The Court can seize tax refund proceeds and apply them to repayment of outstanding fines and penalties. FIRST OFFENDER'S-Upon failure to comply with any term of a First Offenders sentence, including repayment of fines and penalties, the Court can revoke the original sentence and re-sentence the defendant. SUMMON-The Court can periodically resummon the defendant to monitor payment progress. CONSUMER CREDIT REPORT-You authorize the Court to obtain, without an order, now and from time to time in the future, a consumer credit report from any national reporting agency. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) This list is not exhaustive. Be aware that the Court may take other appropriate action to secure the defendant's compliance with a criminal sentencing order. By their signature the defendant hereby acknowledges receipt of this notice. DATE:_________________ Defendant Signature_________________________________________ White-OSCCE; Pink-Prothonotary; Yellow-Defendant Revised: 3/8/01 American LegalNet, Inc.