Application For Access To Court Records
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Application For Access To Court Records Form. This is a Delaware form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
Tags: Application For Access To Court Records, Delaware Statewide, Superior Court
Application for Access to Court Records Notice to Applicant This application will be processed and evaluated in accordance with the Court's Policy for Public Access to Judicial Records of the State of Delaware. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the court and its officers and employees from any claim for damages that may arise from the applicant's use or distribution of the information provided pursuant to this application. The applicant shall be responsible for the costs incurred in responding to this request. Applicant Data ( Please P rint) Name: Daytime Phone : Address: City : State : Zip: Describe Information Requested : For Civil Case Information, please provide litigants' names and the approximate date of the case, if possible. For Criminal Case Information, please provide as much of the following as possible: Defendant's full name, date of birth, charge(s), case number(s), approximate date of arrest. ( Attach Additional Pages a s Required ) Check One: Disposition Certified Copy Other Requested Delivery Date: Applicant Signature Date American LegalNet, Inc.