Trade Business And Fictitious Name Supplemental Registration Change
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Trade Business And Fictitious Name Supplemental Registration Change Form. This is a Delaware form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
Tags: Trade Business And Fictitious Name Supplemental Registration Change, Delaware Statewide, Superior Court
6 Del.C. Ch. 31 REGISTRATION OF TRADE, BUSINESS & FICTITIOUS NAME SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATE County: New Castle Original File No.: TRADE NAME: Business Address: Kent Sussex Date of Change: Phone Number: Person, Firm or Association (Parent Company, if applicable) : Names and addresses of ALL owners, members, or partners comprising the business: Last Name First Name Address Nature of Change: State of County BEFORE ME, the Subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of depose and say as follows: 1. He/She is a principal in the business described in the certificate. 2. That the foregoing information provided in the certificate is true, correct, and complete. , personally appeared a principal in the business described in the Certificate, who, having first been sworn by me according to law did Affiant Title: SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED this day of _______________________ , ____ ____ . Notary Public Print Form Revised 11/09 American LegalNet, Inc.