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Sample forms for filing an appeal from the Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board American LegalNet, Inc. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE APPEAL BOARD APPEAL PRAECIPE SAMPLE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR COUNTY PRAECIPE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) vs. Civil Action No. and UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE APPEAL BOARD Please issue Citation on Appeal Name of Company Address of Company Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board 4425 N. Market Street Wilmington, DE 19802 _____________________________ Appellant Address Phone Number TO: Prothonotary American LegalNet, Inc. CITATION ON APPEAL UNDER RULE 72(e) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR COUNTY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C.A. No._______________ CITATION ON APPEAL FROM THE DECISION OF: U.I.A.B. v. and Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board THE STATE OF DELAWARE, TO THE SHERIFF OF _____________ COUNTY: YOU ARE COMMANDED: To cite DATED: __________ so that, within 20 days after service hereof upon the Custodian of its records, exclusive of the day of service, the Custodian shall send to this Court a certified copy of the record of the proceedings below, including a typewritten copy of the evidence (unless all parties having an interest in the outcome of the appeal shall file with the within 10 days from the filing of the Notice of Appeal, a written stipulation that the evidence may be omitted as a part of the record, in which case the stipulation shall be included as a part of the record), together with this citation. Dated:__________ SHARON AGNEW Prothonotary ______________________________ Per Deputy American LegalNet, Inc.