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Appearance Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Court Of Appeals.
Tags: Appearance, District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals,
District of Columbia Court of Appeals 430 E Street, NW, Rm. 115 Washington, DC 20001 APPEARANCE Appeal No.: Case Caption: The Clerk will enter my appearance in the above matter as: Pro Bono/ Counsel for: I hereby certify that I am a member in good standing of the D.C. Bar. Retained . D.C. Bar No. (Print Attorney's Name) (Attorney's Signature) (Address) (Phone No.) Date: Note: Attorneys must sign their names and not the name of a law firm Certificate of Service I certify that the forgoing was sent by First Class Mail/ Hand delivered to _____________________ (name) at the following ____________________ (address) on this ____ day of _____________ 20____. Signature: __________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.