Report Regarding Ordered Transcripts Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Report Regarding Ordered Transcripts Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Court Of Appeals.
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Tags: Report Regarding Ordered Transcripts, District Of Columbia Court Of Appeals,
Appeal No.: ___________ Superior Court Case No(s).: _______________________ Case Caption: ________________________________________________ REPORT REGARDING ORDERED TRANSCRIPTS EXPEDITED CCAN CASES Date voucher Court Reporter Proceeding date(s) Date voucher given to C.R.D.** or Tape and/or portion Voucher No. submitted* for processing (COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE) * This date must be the date that the voucher was submitted to the appropriate trial judge for signature. Counsel is advised not to include multiple transcript orders on a single
voucher as it may delay receipt of completed transcripts. Counsel shall file a motion to unseal any requested portions of transcript when applicable. If the listed transcript orders stem from a different lower court number
than the one noted on the notice of appeal (e.g., transcript from a neg
lect proceeding sought for use in an adoption appeal), counsel is directed to list all applicable lower court numbers in the space provided above. ** C.R.D.=Court Reporting Division -2- American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 2 Respectfully Submitted, Signature: _________________________ Date ___________________ Name (print): _________________________ Bar no.: _________________________ Address: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Telephone No: _________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a copy of this report regarding ordered transcript
s was served by hand/mailed, first class postage prepaid, this ______ day of _____________, 20_
_, on the following: Signature: ________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.