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Mail all forms and required payment to: Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Corporations Division PO Box 92300 Washington , DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at https://corp online , create the profile, access the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Instruction Sheet for Articles of Incorporation for Domestic Limited Cooperative Association Form D L CA - 1, Ver. 2 , April 201 8 . Use this instruction to draft articles of incorporation for your association ; or use the Articles of Incorporation on page 2 . This will establish your new Domestic Limited Cooperative Association in the District of Columbia. ENTITY TYPE / AUTHORITY FILING F E E Domestic Limited Cooperative Association : 247 29 1003.02 Refer to Corporate Fee Schedule posted online . The following information is required for articles of organization . 1. The name of the association . cooperative - - 2. A statement as to the purpose or purposes for which the association is formed . 3. The term of existence of the association, which may be perpetual . 4. The location and address of the principal office of the association . 5. Registered Agent name and address in the District Columbia. 6. Miscellaneous Provision. 7 . Organizers names and address ; e ach Organizer must sign and date the articles. American LegalNet, Inc. Mail all forms and required payment to: Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Corporations Division PO Box 92300 Washington , DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at https://corp online , create the profile, access the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Articles of Organization for Domestic Limited Cooperative Association Form DL CA - 1, Ver. 2 , April 201 8 . One or more persons acting as the organizers under the provisions of the Title 29 of D.C. Code (Business Organizations Act) adopt the following Articles of Organization : 1. Association Name. 2. Association Purpose. 3. Term of Existence. 4. Principal office address. 5 . Registered Agent name and address in the District Columbia. 6 . Miscellaneous Provision. If you sign this form you agree that anyone who makes a false statement can be punished by criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC 247 22 - 2405; 7 . Organizers Name & Address. 7 A. Organizers Signature and Date. American LegalNet, Inc.