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Articles Of Merger Consolidation Of Domestic Limited Liability Company Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Corporations Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Merger Consolidation Of Domestic Limited Liability Company, District Of Columbia Secretary Of State, Corporations Division
District of Columbia Government
Corporations Division
Articles of Merger / Consolidation of Domestic Limited Liability Company
Form DLC-5 Version 2, July 2010.
Pursuant to the provisions of Title 29, Chapter 10 of the District of Columbia Code (D.C. Limited Liability Company Act
of 1994), the undersigned domestic limited liability company and other business entity adopt the following Articles of
Merger/Consolidation for the purpose of merging/consolidating them into one domestic or foreign limited liability
company or other business entity:
Name of the business entity
2. An agreement of merger/consolidation was approved and executed by each constituent limited liability company or other business entity
that is subject to this merger.
3a. Name of the surviving business entity
3b. Address of the surviving business entity
The effective date of merger
The agreement of merger/consolidation is on file at a place of business of the surviving or resulting domestic limited liability company or
other business entity. Address is the following:
A copy of the agreement of merger/consolidation will be furnished by the surviving or resulting domestic limited liability company or
other business entity, on request and without cost, to any member of any constituent domestic limited liability company or any person
holding an interest in any other business entity which is party to the merger/consolidation.
The merger / consolidation have been approved in the following manner: Select A or B or C, but not both.
(A) The merger/consolidation was approved unanimously by all members, voting and nonvoting, of the following constituent domestic
limited liability company
(B) The merger/consolidation was approved by those members of the constituent domestic limited liability company named below
with voting rights holding at least a majority of the interest in profit of the company.
(C) In accordance with the Articles of Organization and/or Operating Agreement of the domestic limited liability company the merger /
consolidation was approved by the following method of approval indicated below which does not involve members' unanimous
consent or consent by members with voting rights holding at least a majority of the interest in profit of the company.
If you sign this form, you agree that you understand that anyone who makes a false statement anywhere on it can be punished by
criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC § 22-2405.
Managing Member or Authorized Person or President / VP
Mail all forms and required payment to:
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington, DC 20090
Phone: (202) 442-4400
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