Application And Petition For Reinstatement For Domestic Non Profit Corporation
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Application And Petition For Reinstatement For Domestic Non Profit Corporation Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Corporations Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application And Petition For Reinstatement For Domestic Non Profit Corporation, District Of Columbia Secretary Of State, Corporations Division
Version 1; 04-06-09
District of Columbia Government
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington DC 20090
Application and Petition for Reinstatement for Domestic Non-Profit Corporation
Use this form to reinstate a domestic non-profit corporation in the District of Columbia.
Domestic Non-Profit Corporation
$70, payable to DC Treasurer
Pursuant to the provisions of Title 29, Chapter 3 of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia, the undersigned
domestic non-profit corporation hereby petitions and applies for a Certificate of Reinstatement of a proclaimed
domestic non-profit corporation and hereby certifies as follows:
1. Entity Name at the time of proclamation:
2. New name that the corporation will be known as from now on. (If the Corporation name is available, you must use that name; if the name
has been taken by another corporation, then you may choose a different name.)
3. The Certificate of Incorporation to transact business in the District of Columbia was revoked on September
for failure and/or refusal to file reports for the reporting period or other reasons under DC Official Code (DCOC).
(Revocation dates are always the 2 Monday of September of the revocation year)
4a. Registered Agent in the District of Columbia at the time of proclamation:
4b. That Registered Agent's address:
5. Attach any DCOC-required delinquent reports and filing fees and penalties.
President / Vice-President
Secretary / Assistant Secretary
If you sign this application, you agree that you understand that anyone who makes a false statement anywhere on it can be
punished by criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC § 22-2405.
Mail all forms and required payment to:
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington, DC 20090
Phone: (202) 442-4400
For overnight delivery send to:
Corporate Bank of America
Attention: DC Government
Wholesale Lockbox #92300
Mail Code MD4-301-18-04
225 North Calvert Street - 18th floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
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organization, to search registered organizations, and to download forms and documents. Just click on "Corporate Registrations."
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