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Articles Of Incorporation Of Domestic Non Profit Corporation Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Corporations Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Articles Of Incorporation Of Domestic Non Profit Corporation, District Of Columbia Secretary Of State, Corporations Division
Version 3; 04-08-09
District of Columbia Government
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington DC 20090
Articles of Incorporation of Domestic Non-Profit Corporation
We, the undersigned natural persons of the age of eighteen years or more, acting as Incorporators of a corporation under the NonProfit Corporation Act (D.C. Code, Title 29, Chapter 3 as amended) adopt the following Articles of Incorporation:
1. Name the nonprofit corporation.
Your signatures on this form indicate that the articles exist in perpetuity.
Describe the corporation's specific purposes:
This corporation will have members:
4a. If corporation will have members, describe number of classes the members shall be divided into and the names of such classes.
If corporation will have members, describe whether the members will have voting rights or not.
Mail all forms and required payment to:
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington, DC 20090
Phone: (202) 442-4400
For overnight delivery send to:
Corporate Bank of America
Attention: DC Government
Wholesale Lockbox #92300
Mail Code MD4-301-18-04
225 North Calvert Street - 18th floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Please check to view organizations required to register, to search business names, to get step-by-step guidelines to register an
organization, to search registered organizations, and to download forms and documents. Just click on "Corporate Registrations."
American LegalNet, Inc.
The manner in which directors shall be elected or appointed:
The regulation of internal affairs of the corporation will be conducted in the following manner:
6a. The manner of the dissolution or final liquidation of the corporation in which remaining assets of the corporation shall be distributed:
Give the name and registered office address (not a PO Box) of the Registered Agent (RA) in the District.
8. The number of directors constituting the initial board of directors and the name and address of the person who is to serve as director until
the first annual meeting or until successor is elected. (At least 3 directors are required)
All Directors
Physical Street Address
If you sign this form, you agree that you understand that anyone who makes a false statement anywhere on it can be punished by
criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC § 22-2405.
All Incorporators
(At least 3 incorporators are required)
Mail all forms and required payment to:
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington, DC 20090
Phone: (202) 442-4400
Physical Street Address
(must be notarized with jurat
For overnight delivery send to:
Corporate Bank of America
Attention: DC Government
Wholesale Lockbox #92300
Mail Code MD4-301-18-04
225 North Calvert Street - 18th floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Please check to view organizations required to register, to search business names, to get step-by-step guidelines to register an
organization, to search registered organizations, and to download forms and documents. Just click on "Corporate Registrations."
American LegalNet, Inc.