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Mail all forms and required payment to: Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Corporatio ns Division PO Box 92300 Washington, DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at https://corp online , create the profile, acce ss the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Instruction Sheet for Articles of Incorporation for Domestic For - Profit Corporation Form DBU - 1, Ver. 5 , April 201 8 . Use this instruction to draft articles of incorporation for your corpora tion ; or use the fillable Articles of Incorporation on page 2 . This will establish your new Business Corporation in the District of Columbia. ENTITY TYPE FILING F E E Domestic Business Corporation Refer to Corporate Fee Schedule posted online . Varies based on the number of authorized shares. The following information is required for articles of incorporation. 1. Corporation name . 2. The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue and the par value of each share . If no value is indicated then each share will be valued at $1 for the purpose of determining filing fee. 3. Registered Agent name and address in the District Columbia. 4. Miscellaneous Provisions . If business corporation wishes to be a benefit corporation, please state so under this section. 5/6 . I ncorporators names and address ; e ach Incorporator must sign and date the articles. The following information is not required for articles of incorporation but may be included . (use miscellan eous provision section) (1)The names and addresses of the individuals who are to serve as the initial directors; (2)Provisions not inconsistent with law regarding: (A)The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized; (B)Managing the b usiness and regulating the affairs of the corporation; (C)Defining, limiting, and regulating the powers of the corporation, its board of directors, and shareholders; (D)A par value for authorized shares or classes of shares; (E)The imposition of pers onal liability on shareholders for the debts of the corporation to a specified extent and upon specified conditions; (3)Any provision that under this chapter is required or permitted to be set forth in the bylaws; (4)A provision eliminating or limiti ng the liability of a director to the corporation or its shareholders for money damages for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, as a director; (5)A provision permitting or making obligatory indemnification of a director for liability, as defined in 247 29 - 306.50, to any person for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, as a director. American LegalNet, Inc. Mail all forms and required payment to: Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Corporatio ns Division PO Box 92300 Washington, DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at https://corp online , create the profile, acce ss the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Articles of Incorporation of Domestic For - Profit Corporation Form DBU - 1, Ver. 5 , April 201 8 . One or more persons acting as the incorporator or incorporators under the provisions of the Title 29 of D.C. Code (Business Organizations Act) adopt the following Articles of Incorporation: 1. Corporation Name. 2. The number of shares which the cor poration is authorized to issue and par value of each share. 3. Registered Agent name and address in the District Columbia. 4. Miscellaneous Provisions. (may attach the statement) (if corporation wishes to be a benefit corporati on , please state so accordingly) If you sign this form you agree that anyone who makes a false statement can be punished by criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC 247 22 - 2405; 5. Incorpor ators Name & Address. 5A. Incorporators Signature and Date. 6. Incorporators Name & Address. 6A. Incorporators Signature and Date. American LegalNet, Inc.