Application For Reinstatement For Limited Liability Partnership
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Application For Reinstatement For Limited Liability Partnership Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Corporations Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Reinstatement For Limited Liability Partnership, District Of Columbia Secretary Of State, Corporations Division
Version 3; 05-26-09
District of Columbia Government
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington DC 20090
Application for Reinstatement for Limited Liability Partnership
Use this form to reinstate limited liability partnership in the District of Columbia.
Limited Liability Partnership
$150, payable to DC Treasurer
Under the provisions of the District of Columbia Uniform Partnership Act of 1996, We, the undersigned partners, present this
Application for Reinstatement of Statement of Qualification of Limited Liability Partnership for filing.
1. Entity Name:
2. New name that the partnership will be known as from now on. (If the LLP name is available, you must use that name; if the name has been
taken by another entity, then you may choose a different name.)
3. The Statement of Qualification to transact business in the District of Columbia was revoked on
for failure and/or refusal to file
reports for the reporting period or other reasons under DC Official Code (DCOC).
4a. Registered Agent in the District of Columbia:
4b. That Registered Agent's address:
5. Attach any DCOC-required delinquent reports and filing fees and penalties.
6. Partner executing this form:
7. Signature:
If you sign this application, you agree that you understand that anyone who makes a false statement anywhere on it can be
punished by criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC § 22-2405.
Mail all forms and required payment to:
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Corporations Division
PO Box 92300
Washington, DC 20090
Phone: (202) 442-4400
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