Application For Raze Permit
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Application For Raze Permit Or Supplemental Operation Raze Permit Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Corporations Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Raze Permit Or Supplemental Operation Raze Permit, District Of Columbia Secretary Of State, Corporations Division
detailedinformation. Applicablecodesectionsareinthe20DBuildingCodeSupplementChapterI�105.1.7,,,,,andSection155A. 1.INFORMATION ON PROPERTY 2.APPLICANT INFORMATION 3.TYPE OF PERMIT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Government of the District of ColumbiaAPPLICATION FOR RAZE PERMI T REV 11/11 PrintForm NW One SECTION A. RAZE PERMIT GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAAPPLICATION FOR RAZE PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS REV 12/12GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIACERIFICATION FOR RAZE PERMIT APPLICATION not et seqbefore REV 12/12 IS AGENCY DIVISION CONTACT PERSON PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS DCRA Office of the Zoning Administrator Ms. Evon Epps (202)442-45761100 4th Street SW, 3rd Floor, Washington DC 20024 DCRA Green Building Division Kristian Hoffland 1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20024 DC WATER Water/Sewer Reception Counter (202)646-86001100 4th Street SW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20024 DDOE Asbestos Joanna Vivanco (202) 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor Washington DC 20002 DDOE Soil Erosion Charles Edwards Nykia Barnes (202)380-6579(202)309-58121100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20024 DDOT Public Space Bill Schoon (202) 1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20024 DHCD Rental Accommodation & Conversion Lauren J. Pair p (202) 442-9505 f (202) 645-5870 1800 Martin Luther King Ave, SE, Washington, DC 20020 DOH Vector Control Donna Bennett Anthony Cuff (202)535-1954(202) 899 North Capitol Street NE, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20002 OFFICE OF PLANNING Historic Preservation Office Bruce Yarnall (202) 1100 4th Street SW, Suite 650 Washington, DC 20024 PEPCO Pepco Distribution Engineering (202)3(202)388- VERIZON Verizon Linda Smith (301) 13101 Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 WASHINGTON GAS Service Abandonments (703) 6801 Industrial Road, Springfield, VA 22151