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BRA 25 Two Year Report For Domestic And Foreign Filing Entity Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Corporations Division Secretary Of State.
Tags: BRA 25 Two Year Report For Domestic And Foreign Filing Entity, District Of Columbia Secretary Of State, Corporations Division
District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Form BRA - 25. Ver. 5 , April 201 8 . Instruction Sheet for Two - Year Report for Domestic & Foreign Filing Entity . Who needs to file this report? All domestic (District) or foreign (non - District) filing entity that conducts business in the District of Columbia and that registered with Corporation Division. Filing entity includes nonprofit and for - profit corporation, limited liability company, limi ted partnership, limited liability partnership, general cooperative association, l imited cooperative association and statutory trust. When should this report be filed? The 1st biennial report shall be delivered for filing by April 1 of the year followin g the calendar year in which the domestic filing entity was formed or the foreign filing entity registered to do business in the District. Subsequent biennial reports shall be delivered by April 1st of each 2nd calendar year thereafter. Existing domestic filing entities and qualified foreign entities should file subsequent reports every two years from the year of the last report filed. What are the filing fees? Refer to Corporate Fee Schedule posted online. What are the late fees and/or penalties for not filing on time? Refer to Corporate Fee Schedule posted on line. Late fees will be accessed to all filers that file after April 1 st . Refer to specific corporate entity type under fee schedule to determine the fee amount. Do I have to file this report even if I do not get notice from Corporations division? Failure to receive a report form does not relieve a domestic or foreign filing entity of the responsibility to file and pay on time. How can I file this biennial report? All filers are encouraged to file at Corponline site at . Refer to Corporate Online Service Information below for more information. This report can also be filed in person by vi siting Business License Center at 1100 4 th St., SW, 2 nd Floor, Washington, DC 20024. Please, note that walk - in customers will be accessed expedited fee for same day service. Refer to fee schedule for more information. Department of Consumer and Regulator y Affairs Corporations Division PO Box 92300 Washington, DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at https://corp online , create the profile, access the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. American LegalNet, Inc. District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Form BRA - 25. Version 4, April 2014. Instruction Sheet for Two - Year Report for Domestic & Foreign Filing Entity. Step - By - Step Guide: Indicate file number if known; indicate the year of filing , date of filing and filing fee . Item 1. Indicate the name of the domestic or foreign filing entity. Item 2. I ndicate the state of formation. Item 3. Indicate the principal address of the domestic or foreign filing entity . Item 4. Indicate the name and address of current registered agent as recorded with Corporations Division; s information is not correct, indicate the name of the new agent. Item 5. Provide brief statement of business or affairs conducted in the District of Columbia; do not use statement be specific. Item 6. List all entity governors. At least one name is required if the entity is a business corporation, nonprofit corporation, Professional corporation, general cooperative association, or limited liability company. Item 7. In the case of a qualified foreign entity, a statement that the entity is i n good standing in its state of formation or, if the entity is not in good standing, a description of the efforts of the entity to bring itself into good standing. Item 8 . S ign this report; select and i ndicate the name of the governor or authorized person that executes this report. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Corporations Division PO Box 92300 Washington, DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at https://corp online , create the profile, access the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. American LegalNet, Inc. District of Columbia Government Corporations Division Form BRA - 25. Ver. 5 , April 201 8 . Two - Year Report for Domestic & Foreign Filing Entity. Use this form to file a two - year report for a domestic or foreign filing entity as required under 247 29 102.11. Year of Filing: File Number: Date of Filing: Filing Fee: Under the provisions of the Title 29 of D.C. Code (Business Organizations Act), the domestic or foreign filing entity listed below is filing its biannual report and for that purpose submits the statement below. 1. Entity Name. 2. Organized under the laws of which state or country. 3. A ddress of principal office. 4. Name of Registered Agent and address of registered office in DC . 5. Brief statement of business affairs conducted in DC. 6 . List all entity governors (attach list if needed) TITLE NAME ADDRESS 7. Is foreign filing entity in good standing in state / country where it is organized? Yes No If you sign this form you agree that anyone who makes a false statement can be punished by criminal penalties of a fine up to $1000, imprisonment up to 180 days, or both, under DCOC 247 22 - 2405; 8 . Name of the Governor or Authorized Person. 8A . Signature of the Governor or Authorized Person. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Corporations Division PO Box 92300 Washington, DC 20090 Phone: (202) 442 - 44 32 Corporate Online Services Information: Many corporate filings are available by using CorpOnline Service. Go to CorpOnline site at ttps://corp online , create the profile, access the online services main page and proceed. Online filers must pay by using the credit card. American LegalNet, Inc.