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Application For Admission By Examination Instructions And Forms Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Bar Admissions Statewide.
Tags: Application For Admission By Examination Instructions And Forms, District Of Columbia Statewide, Bar Admissions
District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Committee on Admissions
500 Indiana Avenue NW, Room 4200
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 879-2710
FILING DEADLINE: 4:00 p.m., Room 4200, Monday, May 5, 2008
LATE DEADLINE: 4:00 p.m., Room 4200, Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The July 2008 District of Columbia Bar Examination will be administered on
Tuesday, July 29 (performance test and essay), and Wednesday, July 30 (MBE). The
typewritten application must be complete in every detail, and accompanied by the
required fees and supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be accepted
for filing. Applications will not be accepted after close of business (4:00 PM) on
Tuesday, May 20, 2008.
NOTE: ALL applicants must use the character and fitness application form supplied by
the National Conference of Bar Examiners (“NCBE”). Each applicant must file with the
Committee on Admissions the original plus one complete photocopy of the character and
fitness application and where applicable, the D.C. specific forms appearing on the
following pages. No prior version(s) of the examination application form will be
accepted for filing. The application must be typewritten - see Rule 46 (B)(2)(i).
All applicants must also remit payment for the NCBE to conduct the background
investigation. Please refer to the fee schedule which appears on the NCBE’s “Request
for Preparation of a Character Report” form to determine the fee amount you will be
required to submit.
If you previously filed an application with the Committee beginning with the July 2007
examination AND you used the electronic application format, you will have the option
to transfer certain data (e.g., residences, employment, etc.) to your current
electronic application. Please be sure to follow the NCBE’s specific instructions.
If you mail the application, it must be received by the Director of Admissions, Room
4200, in the H. Carl Moultrie Courthouse at the address listed on page one of these
instructions, on or before the filing deadlines. The deadlines are fixed by court
rule. A deficient application will be returned immediately. Receipt of examination
applications will be acknowledged by mail approximately May 14th for the first deadline
and by May 28th for the late deadline.
MAILING ADDRESS (page 1) – This is the address that the Committee will use for
mailing the letter acknowledging receipt of your application, the examination ticket,
and the examination results.
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EXAMINATION FEES: The fees must accompany your application and be in the form of
certified checks, cashier's checks, or money orders. [Cash, personal checks, and firm
checks are not acceptable.] DO NOT submit money orders or bank checks that have
expiration dates less than one (1) year. Submit separate certified checks, cashier’s
checks, or money orders in the denominations specified below:
(1) $ 100: "Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals" for filing the examination
(2) $ 40: "National Conference of Bar Examiners" for the written
(3) $ 50: "National Conference of Bar Examiners" for the MBE (multiple-choice
(4) $ **: “National Conference of Bar Examiners” for the character report.
** For fee schedule, please refer to the page entitled “Request for Preparation of a
Character Report”
Add an additional: $200 - payable to "Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals" for the late
filing fee, if applicable (see Rule 46(b)(2)(iii)). You may tender one (1) payment
for $300 ($100 filing fee + $200 late fee).
Read the entire application packet before making any entries. Questions about your
eligibility for the NCBE's Character Reports must be directed to the NCBE at 608/2808550 or In completing your application, care and attention to the
following instructions may forego the possibilities of your application being returned
for correction and your missing an applicable filing deadline. An application -corrected and resubmitted -- is deemed filed as of the date it is accepted for
processing by the Director of the Committee on Admissions; an incomplete, deficient
application will not be accepted at any time.
ALL APPLICANTS are required to provide the following items, except where otherwise
You must answer Questions labeled A through E and your completed questionnaire
must be submitted along with your completed application form.
(A) MPRE - This jurisdiction requires that you attain a scaled score of 75 on
the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination; and the MPRE Score Report
(notice of your score) must be filed with your application. If you took the District
of Columbia bar examination in the past year and filed a copy of your MPRE Score
Report with your previous application, you do not need to provide an additional copy
with this new application. When you took the MPRE, you may have requested that this
jurisdiction be notified of your score. That notice (via a computer print-out by test
date) is insufficient. If it is necessary for you to obtain another copy of your MPRE
Score Report for inclusion with this application, you should contact the National
Conference of Bar Examiners, MPRE, 301 ACT Drive, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, Iowa,
52243, (319) 341-2500; Do not have the
MPRE officials send your score to the Committee. If you have not yet taken and/or
attained the requisite MPRE scaled score, you must provide the Committee with a copy
of your results (the "MPRE Score Report Form") when you have done so and be sure to
include your five-digit examination identification number on your correspondence. You
have one year's time from the date of the examination results to submit the MPRE Score
(B) ESSAY SCALED SCORE RELEASE FORM - Execute this form only if you meet the
requirements of Rule 46 (b)(8)(i)(B). Keep in mind that you must attain an MBE scaled
score of at least 133 in order to be deemed successful in this examination.
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(C) TYPEWRITER - You must supply your own standard typewriter and extension
cord, if required. You may not use any memory-type machine (i.e., desktop publisher,
word processor, or other computer-type piece of equipment that utilizes a screen).
(D) MBE SCALED SCORE RELEASE FORM - Execute this form only if you meet the
requirements of Rule 46 (b)(8)(i)(A). Keep in mind that you must attain an essay
scaled score of at least 133 in order to be deemed successful in this examination.
Please note those jurisdictions which require an MBE score transfer fee. If the score
has been transferred previously to this jurisdiction, you need not send another check.
However, you must execute the MBE Scaled Score Release Form and file it with this
DEADLINES. The Committee on Admissions has a policy of complying with the Americans
With Disabilities Act, Pub.L. 101-326 (July 26, 1990) and applying the principles
stated in the "Considerations in Testing Candidates with Disabilities," adopted by the
National Conference of Bar Examiners in 1990. Complete the Eligibility Questionnaire,
and carefully follow the instructions appearing on the form concerning the required
supporting documentation -- current, original, and complete evidence of the disability
itself from a qualified specialist; the specific impact of the disability on your
ability to take the examination; the need for non-standard testing accommodation;
previous accommodation(s); and specific accommodation requested for this examination.
Be sure to sign and date the last page. The Committee will determine what is
appropriate on a case-by-case basis. If an applicant submits adequate documentation
from a qualified expert, the accommodation will be provided unless, based upon the
evaluation by the Committee's expert and any other documentation received by the
Committee, the Committee determines otherwise; in which event, the applicant shall
have an opportunity to review the expert's report relied upon. Notice of testing
accommodations will be mailed with the admission ticket approximately ten days before
the examination. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the
Committee’s inability to fully evaluate your request for testing accommodations by the
examination dates.
For a graduate (JD) of a law school approved by the American Bar Association or
an applicant certified by the Dean as having successfully completed all requirements
and eligible for graduation by the application late filing deadline (see Rule 46
(b)(3)), the Certificate A, or the modified Certificate A, is to be executed by the
Dean or Registrar, affixed with school seal, and filed with your application. This
form is absolutely essential to determine your eligibility to sit for the examination.
The application must contain the original Certificate A, or the application will not
be accepted for filing. Your transcript is not required. If the degree is conferred
after the filing deadlines, the applicant must obtain another Certificate A confirming
the award date of the degree to be filed prior to the examination. If you have taken
the District of Columbia bar examination in the past year, you do not need to file
another Certificate A with this application; however, you should provide an
explanatory statement.
For a graduate of a non-ABA-approved law school [See Rule 46 (b)(4)]: You must
file with your application the Certificate A from the non-ABA-approved law school
which awarded your law degree. [NOTE: It is permissible for the non-ABA-approved law
school to amend the Certificate A form to accurately reflect its non-ABA status.] You
must also file with your application a Certificate A from the ABA-approved law school
in which you successfully completed your required 26 semester hours of study in the
tested subjects (see Rule 46 (b)(8)(iii)). In addition, the certificate completed by
the ABA-approved law school must be supported with an OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT containing
the course titles, semester/credit hour values, and grades as well as a copy of the
law school’s course description for each such course. This documentation is
absolutely essential to determine your eligibility to sit for the examination. If
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your eligibility to sit for the District of Columbia bar examination has been
determined previously and you have taken the DC examination in the past year, you do
not need to file another Certificate A and transcript with this new application. If
your eligibility has not been determined previously, you are strongly encouraged to
file the application well in advance of the fixed filing deadlines.
III. PRIOR APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION - Question 6: Include with your application
an original, current Certificate of Good Standing no more than sixty (60) days old,
from the highest state court of each jurisdiction of which you are a member.
IV. APPLICATION FORM (QUESTIONNAIRE) - All applicants must file an original plus
one complete photocopy of the character and fitness application and the D.C. specific
forms. Also, pursuant to court rule, the application must be typewritten. Where a
YES or NO answer is required, you may check by hand in ink the appropriate box.
Answer all the questions to the best of your ability and comply with the instructions
contained in the application. If not applicable, indicate N/A.
QUESTION 7 –- Employment/non-employment.
period (no gaps) since age 21.
Account for the entire time
QUESTIONS 21 and 22 –- Include, either as an adult or a juvenile, any
violation of any law.
QUESTIONS 23 and 24 –- If you answered “Yes” to either of these
questions, you must submit along with your application a current (dated
within the past 60 days) credit report from one of the three major credit
reporting agencies.
Blank Forms -- Complete a form only after
which relates to that form. You may have
particularly Form 6/Debts: Defaults; Past
do not mark on a form until you have made
Non-applicable forms may be discarded.
you have answered the question
to make copies of some forms,
Due; Revocations. Accordingly,
the requisite number of copies.
and have all forms NOTARIZED with a current date within five (5) days of the date on
which you submit or resubmit the application. You must submit 3 original and
notarized Authorization and Release Forms.
Before you file your application with the Director of the Committee on
Admissions, review your responses to insure that you have answered all questions and
have included the required and applicable documentation, notarized pages, and the
fees. Again, note that the examination admission ticket will be sent via first-class
mail ten days before the examination to the mailing address you have provided. If you
have a change of address after your application has been filed, please notify the
Committee on Admissions by letter or e-mail. Failure to do so may result in your not
receiving notification of the bar examination and/or results thereof. If you have a
change in employment or other circumstances, it is your obligation to notify the
Committee in writing. Your correspondence should include your five-digit examination
identification number.
Information booklets for each test are available at There are
two three-hour sessions on Tuesday for the written examination. Two Multistate
Performance Tests (MPT), worth 45 raw points each, should be completed within 90
minutes each. The six Multistate Essay Examination questions (MEE), each worth 15 raw
points, should be completed within 30 minutes each. The essay portion of the
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examination is worth 180 raw points. The multiple-choice MBE is administered on
Wednesday in two three-hour sessions. The total raw essay score will be converted to
a scaled score using the standard deviation method, based on the distribution of MBE
scaled scores of the applicants taking the essay portion of the examination. An
applicant, taking both the essay portion and the MBE portion of the bar examination,
is required to achieve a combined scaled score of 266 (essay scaled score + MBE scaled
score) to pass the examination. An applicant, who has achieved a scaled score of 133
or more on a prior DC essay or MBE examination and whose score transfer has been
accepted by the Committee, is required to achieve a 133 scaled score on the portion of
the examination being taken. See Rule 46 (b)(10).
Any applicant who does not appear for the morning session of either the
essays (Tues) or MBE (Wed) will NOT be allowed entry to that afternoon
EXAMINATION DAY - There is no dress code. Plan to report by 8:30 AM;
departure is expected by approximately 4:40 PM. You must bring a photo-ID (a current
valid driver’s license, employment identification card, or passport) to be admitted
into the examination room.
DO NOT BRING to the examination site any books, notes, briefcases, purses,
packages, any type of alarm clock, beeper, pager, cellular phone, calculator, or other
electronic device, etc., as they will not be permitted within the examination room and
must be left in a designated area. Hats, of any kind, may NOT be worn during testing.
You may bring essential personal items in a clear plastic bag. Food and beverages
(including candy, gum, bottled water, etc.) are NOT permitted in the examination room
without the Committee's advance written approval, based upon a written request and
eligibility for testing accommodations. (See Question D of the Bar Examination
Registration Questionnaire). Smoking is NOT permitted in the examination room or
during the testing sessions. No one may take a “smoke break” or “coffee break” during
the testing sessions. You may not leave the examination room unless it is an
emergency or if you must use the restroom. Any other unauthorized departure from the
examination room is strictly prohibited. Further, you may not use the telephone, any
type of alarm clock, beeper, cellular phone, calculator, or any other electronic
device during the testing sessions. Once seated in the examination room, you should
not leave the room. If an emergency arises during the test, see the Proctors.
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Bar Examination Application Checklist
Please check to insure that you comply with the following filing requirements
except where otherwise noted:
The original plus one complete photocopy of the character and fitness
application and the D.C. specific forms. Application forms and all
fees must be submitted to the Committee on Admissions.
The appropriate fees and made payable to the correct payee. Pursuant to
Rule 46(b)(2)(ii), only certified checks, cashier’s checks, or money
orders will be accepted.
Fully executed Certificate A Form (proof of law school graduation).
NOTE: If you have taken the D.C. Bar examination within the past year,
you do not need to submit another Certificate A Form with this
Fully executed Bar Examination Registration Questionnaire.
Fully executed Attestation Page and three Authorization and Release
Forms. These pages must be signed and notarized within 5 days of the
date on which you submit or resubmit your application.
If appropriate to your situation:
Fully executed Essay Scaled Score Release Form if you meet the
requirements of Rule 46(b)(8)(i)(B).
Fully executed MBE Scaled Score Release Form (and fee where appropriate)
if you meet the requirements of Rule 46(b)(8)(i)(A).
Fully executed Testing Accommodation Bar Examination Eligibility
Questionnaire and supporting documentation if you are submitting a
request for non-standard testing accommodations.
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*Have you previously filed an application
Full Nam e (please print)
for the D.C. bar exam ination?
____Yes ____________Mth/Yr of Exam
____ No
A. Have you attained a scaled score of 75 or m ore on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam ?
_____ YES. Attached is a copy of my original
MPRE Score Report notice.
_____ NO. I plan to sit for the MPRE.
B. Do you plan to take the written examination on Tuesday?
_____ YES.
Attached is the $40 fee, payable
_____ NO. Attached is my ESSAY
to "National Conference of Bar
Examiners," for the MEE & MPT.
The fee must be in the form of a certified check,
cashier’s check or money order.
C. Do you plan to use a typewriter for the essay examination?
_____ YES
or ______ NO
D. Do you plan to take the Multistate Bar Examination on Wednesday?
_____ YES. Attached is the $50 fee, payable
_____ NO. Attached is my MBE SCALED
to "National Conference of Bar
Examiners," for the MBE.
The fee must be in the form of a certified check,
cashier’s check or money order.
E. Are you filing a request for testing accommodations for taking the bar examination?
_____ YES
or ______ NO
* If YES, attach the Testing Accommodations Eligibility Questionnaire and all relevant documentation necessary for
the Committee's evaluation of your situation. Carefully follow the instructions accompanying this application.
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Application of
for the District of Columbia Bar Examination
I, ______________________________, of _______________________________ which
Law School
was approved by the American Bar Association on _______________, certify
that the above-named student entered this school as a student of law on
_______________ and continued as a student until _______________, having
successfully completed __________ semester or term hours of study.
During this period, the student took the courses prescribed for the
degree of ________________ and on ____________, having met the scholarship
requirements, was awarded the degree.
The student’s record ____ DOES or
____DOES NOT reflect any Honor Code violations or disciplinary matters; if it
does reflect a matter which should be brought to the attention of the
Committee on Admissions, please explain fully.
Today’s Date
Registrar/Dean’s Signature
(in blue ink)
Note: To assist a law student’s meeting the application filing deadline, the Dean may
MODIFY this form to reflect that the student has successfully completed/is expected to
successfully complete all requirements for graduation and is/will be eligible for
graduation (by the application late filing deadline) to be awarded the degree on the
scheduled date.
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DO NOT forward this form to the MBE examining jurisdiction. It must accompany your application.
(The applicant must execute only the top half of this form.)
Committee on Admissions
500 Indiana Avenue NW, Room 4200
Washington, DC 20001
(as it appears in the jurisdiction where MBE was administered)
I hereby authorize the
(Date of Birth)
Board of Bar Examiners and /or the National Conference of
(Testing Jurisdiction)
Bar Examiners to release to the Committee on Admissions of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals the scaled
score I attained on the Multistate Bar Examination administered in
G February
G July /
Applicant’s Signature
SOUTH DAKOTA, UTAH, VIRGIN ISLANDS, WISCONSIN OR WYOMING, must include a $25 money order payable to
“National Conference of Bar Examiners.”
ARKANSAS requires a $25 cashier’s check or money order payable to “Arkansas Board of Law Examiners.” IOWA requires a $5 check or money order payable
to “Supreme Court Clerk.” MAINE requires a $25 cashier’s check, treasurer’s check or money order payable to “Maine Board of Bar Examiners.”
MASSACHUSETTS requires a $25 cashier’s check or money order payable to “Commonwealth of Massachusetts.” MISSISSIPPI requires a $25 cashier’s check
or money order payable to “Mississippi Board of Bar Examiners.” NEBRASKA requires a $25 check payable to “Nebraska State Bar Commission.” NEVADA
requires a $12.50 check payable to “State Bar of Nevada.” NEW MEXICO requires a $20 check payable to “NM Board of Bar Examiners.” NORTH
CAROLINA requires a $25 check or money order payable to “NC Board of Law Examiners.” OHIO requires a $15 check or money order payable to “Clerk,
Supreme Court of Ohio.” OREGON requires a $25 fee payable to “Oregon State Bar.” PENNSYLVANIA requires a $30 certified check or money order payable
to “PA Board of Law Examiners.” RHODE ISLAND requires a $25 check payable to “Supreme Court.” TEXAS requires a $25 check payable to “Board of Law
Examiners.” VIRGINIA requires a $40 cashiers check, certified check or money order payable to “Virginia Board of Bar Examiners.” WEST VIRGINIA
requires a $50 check payable to “West Virginia Board of Law Examiners.”
(To be completed by Certifying Official in Jurisdiction)
The applicant attained a SCALED SCORE of
on the Multistate Bar Examination administered in
G February G July /
( month)
. This form is being transmitted directly to the
Committee on Admissions by the jurisdiction on
Certifying Official’s Signature
Revised 4-2007
American LegalNet, Inc.
I hereby authorize the Committee on Admissions of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals to substitute the
essay scaled score which I attained in the District of Columbia Bar Examination administered in _________________
in lieu of sitting for the essay section of this examination.
Today's Date
Signature of Applicant
The above-named applicant, No. _______________, attained an essay scaled score of _________________ in the
bar examination administered in _________________________________.
Today's Date
Director of Admissions
American LegalNet, Inc.
Please fill out each item as completely as possible to assist the Committee on Admissions
in considering/evaluating your situation.
Disability Status (check all that apply)
A. Are you:
____ deaf?
____ hard of hearing?
____ blind?
____ visually impaired?
____ other (describe) __________________________________________________
B. Do you have a:
____ physical disability?
Please explain ____________________________________________________
____ specific learning disability?
Please explain ____________________________________________________
____ psychological disability?
Please explain ____________________________________________________
C. How long have you had your disability?
Since (date) ____________
____ 1 year ____ 2 years ____ 3 years ____ 4 years ____ 5 years or more
____ Most of my life
You are required to provide the original current documentation from a doctor, psychologist,
psychiatrist or other appropriate professionals certifying your disability. Current documentation
is in the nature of a psychological evaluation/assessment, timed reading/writing testing results,
medical diagnosis/prognosis, or other supporting records. Certification from specialist(s) should
include the specialist’s qualifications and information identifying license authority (ID number,
entity, jurisdiction, etc.), a description of the disability including date of onset, methodology
for diagnosis, including the date(s) of testing and results/interpretations, the specific impact of
the disability on your ability to take the examination, need for accommodations, and specific
recommendations concerning the accommodations requested for the bar examination.
Past Accommodations Made for Your Disability
A. In high school:
Were you in a special school or program?
____ Yes ____ No
Did you get non-standard accommodations for
classroom tests?
____ Yes ____ No
Did you generally get extra time for tests?
If yes, how much extra time? ______________
B. Did you have accommodations for taking the SAT
or ACT examinations for admission to college?
____ Yes ____ No
____ Yes ____ No
C. In college:
Did you use disabled student services?
____ Yes ____ No
Did you get testing accommodations?
____ Yes ____ No
Did you generally get extra time for exams?
If yes, how much extra time? ______________
____ Yes ____ No
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D. Did you have testing accommodations for the LSAT? ____ Yes ____ No
If yes, what accommodations? (Check all that apply)
____ Braille
____ Tape
____ Reader
____ Recorder ____ Dictating machine
____ Large type
____ Extra breaks/rest periods
____ Extra testing time – how much extra time? ____________
____ Other
Please explain _____________________________________________________
E. In law school:
Did you use disabled student services?
____ Yes ____ No
Did you get other testing accommodations?
____ Yes ____ No
If yes, explain _________________________________________________________
Did you generally get extra time for exams?
If yes, how much extra time? ______________
____ Yes ____ No
F. On other Bar Examinations: (Identify each jurisdiction.)
Did you request non-standard testing
____ Yes ____ No
Explain _________________________________________________________________
Did you receive non-standard testing
____ Yes ____ No
Explain _________________________________________________________________
Include an original recent letter from the Dean or Registrar of your law school detailing any
non-standard testing accommodations given by the law school; provide documentation concerning
any considerations accorded you by national or state testing agencies, and any other relevant
documentation necessary for the Committee’s evaluation of your situation.
I certify the above statements to be true.
(Signed) __________________________________________________
Date ______________
IV. Accommodations Requested for the District of Columbia Bar Examination.
(Check all that apply)
____ Braille
____ Audio Tape
____ Large type
____ Regular type
____ Reader
____ Recorder/dictating machine
____ typewriter
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____ Extra testing time.
How much testing time per three-hour session?
a) Essay portion: ________________________________________________
b) Multiple choice portion: ______________________________________
____ Other.
Please explain _____________________________________________
* This Eligibility Questionnaire and all supporting documentation must be
submitted with your application by the application filing deadlines.
American LegalNet, Inc.
Rule 46. Admission to the Bar.
(as amended 3/1/2007)
(a) Committee on Admissions. The court shall appoint a standing committee known as the Committee on
Admissions (hereafter the Committee) consisting of seven members of the Bar of this court, one of whom shall serve
as counsel to the Committee. Each appointment shall be for a term of three years. In case of a vacancy caused by
death, resignation or otherwise, a successor appointed shall serve the unexpired term of the predecessor member.
W hen a member holds over after the expiration of the term for which that member was appointed, the time served
after the expiration of that term shall be part of a new term. No member shall be appointed to serve longer than two
consecutive regular three-year terms, unless an exception is made by the court.
Subject to the approval of the court, the Committee shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems
necessary to implement the provisions of this rule. The members of the Committee shall receive such compensation
and necessary expenses as the court may approve.
(b) Admission by Examination.
(1) Number and Dates of Examination. Examinations for admission to the Bar shall be held on
two successive days in February and July of each year in Washington, D.C., at a place and on the dates designated
by the Committee. The Committee may extend the days for examination for an applicant upon good cause having
been demonstrated to the Committee pursuant to a request for testing accommodations.
(2) Time to Apply and Fees.
(i) An application to take the bar examination shall be typewritten and submitted on a
form approved by the Committee and filed with the Director of Admissions (hereafter Director) not later than
December 15 for the February examination and May 3 for the July examination unless, for exceptional cause shown,
the time is extended by the Committee. The contents of the application to take the examination shall be confidential
except upon order of the court.
(ii) The application shall be accompanied by (1) a certified check, cashier’s check, or
money order in the amount of $100, which shall be non-refundable, made payable to the Clerk, D.C. Court of
Appeals, together with (2) the applicable certified checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders made payable to the
National Conference of Bar Examiners, the purposes and amount of which shall be specified on the application form.
(iii) Late applications may be filed within 15 days from the closing dates specified in
subparagraph (i) and must be accompanied by an additional, non-refundable certified check, cashier’s check, or
money order in the amount of $200 made payable to the Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals.
(3) Proof of Legal Education in a Law School Approved by the American Bar Association.
An applicant who has graduated from a law school that at the time of graduation was approved by the American Bar
Association or who is certified by the dean of such law school as being eligible for graduation shall be permitted to
take the bar examination. Under no circumstances shall such an applicant be admitted to the Bar without first having
submitted to the Director a certificate that the applicant has graduated from an approved law school with a J.D. or
LL.B. degree.
(4) Law Study in Law School Not Approved by the ABA. An applicant who graduated from a
law school not approved by the American Bar Association shall be permitted to take the bar examination only after
successfully completing at least 26 semester hours of study in the subjects tested in the bar examination in a law
school that at the time of such study was approved by the American Bar Association. All such 26 semester hours
shall be earned in courses of study, each of which is substantially concentrated on a single tested subject.
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(5) M ultistate Professional Responsibility Examination. An applicant for admission by
examination shall not be admitted to the Bar unless that applicant has also taken an examination on the Code of
Professional Responsibility given under the auspices of the Multistate Bar Examination Committee of the National
Conference of Bar Examiners and received thereon a minimum grade as determined by the Committee on
Admissions. Arrangements to take said examination, including the payment of any fees therefor, shall be made
directly with the Multistate Bar Examination Committee of the National Conference of Bar Examiners. The score
received on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) shall not be used in connection with the
scoring of the bar examination. There shall be no limit to the number of times an applicant may take the MPRE.
(6) Examination of Applications. The Director shall examine each application to determine the
applicant’s eligibility and to verify the completeness of the application. If eligibility is not demonstrated, the
applicant shall be permitted to furnish additional information. If the application is not complete, either it shall be
returned to the applicant for completion or the needed information shall be requested by letter.
(7) Examination Identification Number. The Director shall assign an examination number to
each accepted applicant. Each applicant shall be notified by the Director of the applicant’s examination number and
shall be furnished an admission card and a list of instructions. Further disclosure of the examination number of any
applicant is prohibited.
(8) General Considerations Regarding the Examination.
(i) Applicants shall be examined on both the essay and the Multistate Bar Examination
(MBE) sections at the examination site designated by the Committee.
(A) An applicant may request the Committee to accept a prior MBE
administration provided that:
1. The prior MBE scaled score is not less than 133;
2. The subjects of the prior MBE are identical to those comprising the
present MBE section; and
3. The prior administration was within 25 months of the present
(B) An applicant may request the Committee to accept a prior essay
administration in the District of Columbia provided that:
1. The prior essay scaled score is not less than 133; and
2. The prior administration was within 25 months of the present
(ii) Any prior section administration accepted pursuant to this rule shall be valued as set
forth in (b)(10)(ii) below. An applicant requesting acceptance of a prior section administration shall submit with the
application to sit for the bar examination either a duly executed MBE score and release form or an essay scaled score
release form.
(iii) The bar examination may cover the following subjects: administrative law,
contracts, agency, Uniform Commercial Code, equity, business associations, conflicts of laws, evidence, torts, wills,
trusts, administration of estates, family law, real and personal property, civil and criminal procedure, constitutional
law, criminal law, legal ethics and tax law. In its discretion, the Committee may change the subjects.
(iv) Each day of the examination shall require six hours writing time unless modified by
the Committee for an applicant pursuant to a request for testing accommodations. One day shall be devoted to essay
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questions approved by the Committee; the other day shall be devoted to the MBE multiple-choice questions
prepared by the National Conference of Bar Examiners.
(v) Examination booklets shall be furnished by the Committee. Typewriters furnished by
the applicants may be used by prearrangement with the Director.
(vi) Except by permission of the Committee’s representative, no applicant shall leave the
examination room during the examination. Each applicant, upon leaving the examination room, shall turn in the
examination booklets to the Committee’s representative.
(9) Computation of Essay Scaled Scores. The essay scores on each examination shall be
converted to scaled scores using the standard deviation method. The basis for this scaling shall be the distribution of
MBE scaled scores of the applicants taking the essay portion of that examination.
(10) Determining Pass/Fail Status.
(i) An applicant taking the essay and MBE sections concurrently shall be successful if the
sum of the applicant’s essay and MBE scaled scores is 266 or greater (i.e., an average scaled score of 133 or
(ii) W here a prior administration is accepted by the Committee under (b)(8)(ii) or (iii)
above, an applicant shall be successful only if:
(A) Both the prior essay scaled score and the concurrent MBE scaled score are
not less than 133; or
(B) Both the prior MBE scaled score and the concurrent essay scaled score are
not less than 133, as the case may be.
For purposes of this subsection (ii) an applicant’s passing status on a section will remain intact for 25 months from
the date the section was administered even if the applicant fails the section on subsequent administrations.
(iii) Before notice and publication of the examination results, the Committee shall review
the essay examination papers of all applicants who have attained an essay scaled score or a combined scaled score
within five points below the passing grade.
(11) Time of Notice and Publication of Results. Applicants shall be notified in writing of the
results of their examination. Successful applicants shall be notified in writing of the scaled score they attained in the
MBE section of the examination. An alphabetical list of the successful applicants shall be published with the request
that any information tending to affect the eligibility of an applicant on moral grounds be furnished to the Committee.
The first publication shall be at least 30 days before the Committee reports to the court. A copy of this list shall be
posted in the office of the Clerk for three weeks.
(12) Post-examination Review.
(i) The Director shall notify in writing each unsuccessful applicant of the applicant’s
score. The notification shall contain the applicant’s score for each essay question, the scaled essay score, the MBE
scaled score, and the combined score. Scores will not be rounded.
(ii) Each unsuccessful applicant may review the essay section of the examination by
executing and returning the review request form to the Director within the time period specified by the Committee.
The examiner’s questions and comments thereto shall be made available to the unsuccessful applicant. A review of
the MBE is not available. The Director shall advise the unsuccessful applicant of the date, time and place at which
the essay papers may be reviewed. The review period shall not exceed three hours.
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(iii) W ithin 10 days after review (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays), the
applicant may submit a petition for regrading setting forth the reasons in support of such petition. The petition shall
be addressed to the appropriate examiner and delivered or mailed to the Director. The only identifying mark to be
placed on the petition is the number assigned to the applicant for taking the examination, which number shall serve
as identification. Any references to the applicant’s combined score, economic status, social standing, employment,
personal hardship, or other extraneous information is strictly prohibited. An applicant shall submit a separate
petition to each examiner from whom the applicant seeks regrading. The petition for regrading shall be directed to
the merits of the applicant’s response to the examination questions.
(iv) Upon receipt of a petition for regrading, the Director shall forward to the appropriate
examiner a file composed of the examiner’s questions and comments with respect to such questions, the applicant’s
examination booklet, and the applicant’s petition for regrading.
(v) Unless otherwise extended by the Chairman, the examiner shall, within 15 days
(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays), return to the Director the applicant’s file together with the
examiner’s disposition of the petition. The Director shall notify the applicant of the final decision.
(13) Destruction of the Essay Examination Papers. Destruction of the essay examination papers
may commence 30 days from the date of publication of the examination results; but destruction of the essay
examination papers of an unsuccessful applicant who takes advantage of the post-examination review procedure
shall be delayed for not less than 30 days after notification of the final decision on the applicant’s petition for review.
(14) Previous Failures. Previous failures in a bar examination shall not disqualify an applicant
from taking the examination.
(15) Communication W ith Committee M embers and Graders. No applicant shall
communicate with Committee members or graders concerning any applicant’s performance in the examination.
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