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Application For Special Legal Consultant Instructions And Forms Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Bar Admissions Statewide.
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District of Columbia Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions 430 E Street N.W., Room 123 Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 879-2710 FORMAL APPLICATION of for a License to Practice as a Special Legal Consultant in the District of Columbia. The undersigned hereby makes application pursuant to D.C. App. Rule 46 (c)(4) and certifies that the applicant: Has been admitted to practice (or has obtained the equivalent of admission) in a foreign country, and is in good standing as an attorney or counselor of law (or equivalent) in that country; Possesses the good moral character and general fitness requisite for a member of the bar of this court; Intends to practice as a Special Legal Consultant in the District of Columbia and to maintain an office for such practice in the District of Columbia; and Is at least twenty-six years of age. Date Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before this _____ day of ___________________, _____. ____________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires ________________. Notary=s seal or stamp must be affixed hereto. American LegalNet, Inc. Rev. 02/08/2013 District of Columbia Court of Appeals Committee on Admissions 430 E Street N.W., Room 123 Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 879-2710 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING AN APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE TO PRACTICE AS A SPECIAL LEGAL CONSULTANT UNDER RULE 46 (c)(4) OF THE RULES OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COURT OF APPEALS Read the entire application packet before making any entries. Eligibility for a license to practice as a special legal consultant will be determined on the basis of the information contained in your application. The fees are non-refundable. In completing your application, care and attention to these instructions may forego the possibilities of your application being returned for correction. An application B- corrected and resubmitted B- is deemed filed as of the date it is accepted for processing by the Director of the Committee on Admissions; an incomplete, deficient application will not be accepted at any time. Processing time may take approximately six to eight months. Should an applicant be unable to comply with the provisions of D.C. App. Rule 46 (c)(4)=s subparagraph (B)(1)(c), before an application may be filed with the Committee on Admissions, the applicant must first petition the Court of Appeals for whatever relief may be appropriate under the circumstances. ALL APPLICANTS are required to provide the following items. Use one binder clip to keep together all application papers and the fees. 1. FORMAL APPLICATION PAGE - (a single sheet reflecting the rule provision by which an applicant may be licensed as a special legal consultant). Sign and date the page in the spaces provided and have it notarized. The date which appears on the Formal Application Page, the date reflected on the attestation page of the questionnaire portion of the application, and the date of notarization on the attestation page and on the Authorization and Release forms must be the same and must be within ten days of the date on which your application is received and accepted for processing by the Director of Admissions. American LegalNet, Inc. 2. FEES - The fees - which must be in U.S. dollars and drawn from a U.S. based financial institution - must be in the form of cashier=s checks, certified checks, or money orders1. The application filing fee is $450 payable to AClerk, D.C. Court of Appeals.@ The character investigation fee is $750 payable to ANational Conference of Bar Examiners.@ (See ARequest for Preparation of a Character Report@ form that appears with the online application.) Please DO NOT submit money orders or bank checks that have expiration dates less than one (1) year. 3. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY or GOOD STANDING - All applicants must submit current original certificate under seal from the authority in the foreign country having final jurisdiction over professional discipline, certifying the date of admission and the applicant=s good standing as an attorney or counselor of law (or equivalent), together with a duly authenticated English translation if it is not in English. Include a certificate for each jurisdiction and court listed in Question 6 on page 4 of the application. A certificate is considered current if it has been issued within 60 days of the date on which your application is accepted for processing. 4. SUMMARY OF LAWS AND CUSTOMS - Provide a summary of the laws and customs of the foreign country relating to the opportunity afforded to members of the Bar of this court to establish offices for the giving of legal advice to clients in such foreign country. Include a summary for each foreign country listed in Question 6. 5. APPLICATION (QUESTIONNAIRE) - The application must, pursuant to court rule, be typewritten. Where a YES or NO answer is required, you may check by hand in ink the appropriate box. Answer all the questions to the best of your ability and comply with the instructions contained in the application. If not applicable, indicate N/A. $ QUESTION 7 B- Employment/non-employment. Account for the entire time period (no gaps) since age 21. QUESTIONS 21 and 22 B- Include, either as an adult or a juvenile, any violation of any law. QUESTIONS 23 and 24 B- If you answered AYes@ to either of these questions, you must submit along with your application a current (dated within the past 60 days) credit report from one of the three major credit reporting agencies. $ $ 6. ATTESTATION PAGE & AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE FORMS - Sign where indicated and have all forms NOTARIZED with a current date within five (5) days of the date on which you submit or resubmit the application. You must submit 3 1 Certified checks, cashier's checks, and money orders are the ONLY acceptable forms of payment. Any other forms of payment, e.g. firm/business/personal checks or cash, cannot be accepted. Submitting unacceptable fees will result in your application being returned via standard U.S. mail which may substantially delay your licensure. American LegalNet, Inc. original and notarized Authorization and Release Forms. 7. AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE FORMS - Three originals of the properly executed (signed and notarized) Authorization and Release forms must accompany your application. The date/notarization which appears on the attestation page, on the Formal Application page, and the Authorization and Release f