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Clearance Of Title On Vehicle Sold For Garage Leepers Lien Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Department Of Motor Vehicle Statewide.
Tags: Clearance Of Title On Vehicle Sold For Garage Leepers Lien, District Of Columbia Statewide, Department Of Motor Vehicle
REQUIREMENTS TO OBTAIN A TITLE FOR A VEHICLE SOLD AT AN AUCTION TO ENFORCE GARAGE KEEPER LIEN submitted to the DC Department of Motor Vehicles: Signature on the affidavit below by lien claimant or his/her agent having knowledge of the facts. A copy of the bill for repairs incurred by the registered owner within the District of Columbia. All storage charges must be stated separately and cannot exceed $270. Proof that notice was provided to the registered owner and to all other lien holders or other interested parties, as required by D.C. Official Code 247 40-102(a) (2001). A copy of the advertisement in a District of Columbia newspaper that states the vehicle will be sold at public auction, with certification from the newspaper that such advertisement appeared once a week for 3 consecutive weeks in the newspaper. A Bill of Sale from a licensed auctioneer in the District of Columbia indicating the sale price. An application for Certificate of Title, executed by purchaser of the vehicle. Any license plates, title(s), previous bill(s) of sale or registration cards for the vehicle, if available. DC DMV Locations: (check the box corresponding to your location) Southwest Service Center 95 M Street, SW Washington, DC 20024 Georgetown Service Center 3222 M Street , NW Canal Level Washington, DC 20007 Benning Ridge Service Center 4525 Benning Road , SE Washington, DC 20019 Rhode Island Service Cen ter 2350 Washington Place, NE Suite 112N Washington, DC 20018 -102 and 103) a. A written notice must be delivered personally or by registered mail to the titleholder, all lien holders shown on the Certificate of Title or registry, and all persons known to have any interest in the vehicle. The written notice must state that the lien is claimed, the amount and particulars of the charges, and must demand payment. For each day after notice was sent, a storage charge of $3 per day may be added to the claim. The total storage costs shall not exceed $270. b. If the amount is not paid within 30 days after giving notice, the vehicle may be sold at public auction to enforce the lien. Notice of the sale must appear in newspaper published in the District for 3 successive weeks. The advertisement must state the date, time and place of sale, which shall not be less than 15 days from the date of the first publication of such notice, that the purpose of the sale is to satisfy a lien, the amount for which lien is claimed, the name of all interested parties, and a description of the vehicle, including the make, type, year and model number, serial number and the vehicle identification number (VIN), if any, and state or DC license plate number and year. Government of the D istrict of Columbia Department of Motor Vehicles American LegalNet, Inc. Sale Information: Proceeds of Sale: $ Amount of Lien: $ Cost of foreclosure sale: Registered Letter Fee Newspaper Advertisement Cost Fee Storage Cost from Date of Sale Other Cost Total Cost of Lien and Foreclosure Sale Excess or Deficit Totaled $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Any excess funds were applied (to the extent available) as follows: $ to the garage keeper lien- holder, $ to the following lien holders (if any) in the following amounts: (If insufficient space, please use another sheet of paper and submit it with this form), $ (not to exceed $120) to the garage keeper lien holder for storage charges in excess of $150, and $ to the owner, in accordance with D.C. Official Code 247247 40-104 & 105. Such funds were sent by registered mail on the day of , 20 , as per registered receipt (attached). AFFIDAVIT , affiant attests that he/she is, or is an agent of, , the garage keeper lien holder, and that a (describe vehicle): was purchased by , purchaser, in connection with the enforcement of that lien on that vehicle. Affiant requests that the D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles issue a Certificate of Title for said vehicle to purchaser and to Affiant further attests that: 1. The enforcement of the lien and application of proceeds was in accordance with D.C. Official Code 247 40-102 et seq.; 2. The lien holder repaired, stored and/or furnished supplies concerning the vehicle in the District of Columbia in the amount of $, as itemized on the attached bill; and 3. The lien holder obtained possession of the vehicle on the day of 20. I attest, under penalty of law, that the statements made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Signature: Date: Visit our website at or call 311 or 202-737-4404 for additional information, To report waste, fraud, or abuse by any DC Government agency or official, call the Office of the DC Inspector General at 1-800-521-1639 GRGKPRLN - Rev.06/28/2018 Page 2 American LegalNet, Inc.