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GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Adjudication Services Administration MOTION TO VACATE SECTION I: DRIVER/REGISTERED OWNER'S INFORMATION (Please print) Today's Date: First Name: License Plate Number: Street Address: City: Last Name: Issuing State: State: Zip Code: Ticket Numbers Ticket Numbers Ticket Numbers Ticket Numbers SECTION II: EXCUSABLE NEGLECT (DEFAULT JUDGMENT OR DEEMED ADMISSION) I did not answer the tickets in a timely manner because: The notice was not mailed to the address where my vehicle is registered. (Submit a copy of the vehicle registration in effect on the date the default judgment or deemed admission was entered.) I had a serious medical condition when the default judgment or deemed admission was entered. (Submit documentation.) I was incarcerated on the date the default judgment or deemed admission was entered. (Submit proof of the time period you were incarcerated.) I serve in the military, and I am covered by the Soldiers and Sailors Act. (Submit proof of active military service at the time the judgment was entered or the date of the deemed admission.) Other reason: (Submit explanation on separate paper with any supporting documentation.) SECTION III: SUFFICIENT DEFENSE TO THE VIOLATION(S). (Please provide an explanation on the reverse side and attach any evidence. Also check the box below that corresponds with your defense.) PARKING TICKET I am not liable for the ticket because: I was not the vehicle owner or lessee at the time the ticket was issued. (Submit proof of ownership or lease.) I reported my vehicle or tags stolen at the time the tickets were issued. (Submit a copy of complete police report). The relevant signs prohibiting or restricting parking were missing or obscured. (Submit photographic evidence covering the side of the block, including street and parking signs, where the vehicle was parked.) American LegalNet, Inc. The relevant parking meter was inoperable or malfunctioned through no fault of mine. (Submit the reference number you received when you called in the broken meter. Note: calling in a potentially broken meter will not automatically result in ticket dismissal.) The ticket is defective. (Submit an explanation with documentation as to why the facts on the ticket are inconsistent with the violation.) The vehicle was suddenly mechanically disabled and could not be moved. (Submit proof that the vehicle was inoperable and/or was repaired.) I suddenly needed immediate medical assistance. (Submit proof to support immediate medical necessity.) Other defense(s): (Submit your explanation below or on separate paper with any supporting documentation.) MOVING VIOLATION OR PHOTO ENFORCEMENT TICKET I am not liable for the ticket because: The ticket is defective. (Submit an explanation with documentation as to why the facts on the ticket are inconsistent with the violation.) My vehicle was insured on the date the ticket for operating without insurance was issued. (Submit insurance coverage for date ticket was issued.) The photo enforcement violation was issued after my vehicle or tags were stolen. (Submit the entire police report.) I was not the owner or lessee of the cited vehicle at the time of the infraction. (Submit proof of ownership or lease with dates.) Other defense(s): (Submit explanation below or on separate paper with any supporting documentation.) Name (Please Print) Address Date Signature Any person using a fictitious name or address and/or knowingly making any false statement on this application is in violation of DC law and subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or 180 days imprisonment or both. (DC Official Code �22-2405). Please mail this completed form to DC DMV Adjudication Services, Attn: Motion to Vacate, PO Box 37135, Washington, DC 20013, or bring it and any required documentation to DC DMV Adjudication Services. Check website or call 311 or 202-737-4404 for location and hours. The Motion can also be submitted online at Visit our website: or call 311 in DC or 202-737-4404 for additional information. To report waste, fraud or abuse by any DC Government Agency or official, call the Office of the DC Inspector General at 1-800-521-1639. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 DMV-ADS-MV-001 Rev. 02/01/2017