Power Of Attorney
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Power Of Attorney Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Department Of Motor Vehicle Statewide.
Tags: Power Of Attorney, District Of Columbia Statewide, Department Of Motor Vehicle
GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Vehicle Services POWER OF ATTORNEY I hereby attest, that on this date, _____________________, 20____, I, _____________________________________, doth hereby constitute and appoint ____________________________________ of __________________________________, its true and lawful agent for the following purpose and no other. To secure from the District of Columbia Department of Motor Vehicles vehicle license tags (either temporary or permanent), title certificate, registration, or duplicates for the vehicle described below: VIN: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MAKE/MODEL/YEAR: ____________________________________________________________________________ Said agent to have full power and authority to do and perform every act and thing necessary to secure the proper vehicle license tags as aforesaid. ____________________________________________, Applicant's Signature Date: __________________ _____________________________________________, Agent's Signature Date: __________________ I hereby authorize the DC DMV to send my duplicate title (with no lien) directly to the above-mentioned dealership. _____________________________________________, Applicant's Signature Date: _________________ NOTE: This document, when properly executed, is valid without official certification/notarization. DMV-VSPA-01 Rev. 09/29/08 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com