Order Waiving Consent Of Parent Who Cannot Be Located
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Order Waiving Consent Of Parent Who Cannot Be Located Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
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Tags: Order Waiving Consent Of Parent Who Cannot Be Located, District Of Columbia Statewide, Superior Court
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FAMILY COURT DOMESTIC RELATIONS BRANCH ADOPTIONADOPTION CASE NO. A-))))))))EX PARTE IN THE MATTER OFJUDGE RONNA LEE BECKTHE PETITION OF FOR ADOPTION OF MINOR CHILD(REN)ORDER WAIVING CONSENT OF PARENT WHO CANNOT BE LOCATEDDespite a diligent search to find and personally serve ,personal service could not be effected. The court ordered constructive service, which has been completed. The parent has not responded to the notice of adoption and has failed to appear for the show cause hearing. Accordingly, the court concludes that the parent cannot be located and that consequently the parent's consent to the adoption is not required and should be waived.Therefore, it is this day of , 2004, hereby ORDERED that the consent of to the adoption of the child is hereby WAIVED pursuant to D.C. Code Ann. § 16-304(d)(2001).JUDGE RONNA LEE BECK Copies to:Parties in Open Court