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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION LANDLORD AND TENANT BRANCH 510 4th STREET, N.W., Building B, Room #110, Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone (202) 879-4879 ___________ LTB __________________________ __________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) __________________________________________ Address (No post office boxes) vs. __________________________________________ Defendant(s) __________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City Phone Number State Zip Code Washington, D.C.____________________________ Zip Code __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone Number (if known) SUMMONS TO APPEAR IN COURT AND NOTICE OF HEARING -- FORM 1S YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR ON _______________ AT 9:00 A.M. PROMPTLY, in the Landlord and Tenant Courtroom, Room 109, Bldg. B, 510 4th Street, NW. Between E and F Streets, N.W., Judiciary Square Red Line Metro stop Wheelchair accessible entrance located on F Street side of building 1. You are being sued for possession of the premises you occupy. 2. This paper is a Summons in a lawsuit seeking your eviction. 3. The Complaint attached to this Summons states the grounds for possession claimed by the Plaintiff. If the Complaint is not attached, a copy is available in the Landlord and Tenant Clerk's Office at 510 4th Street, Building B, Room #110. 4. If you, or your attorney, do not appear on the date and time listed above, a default judgment may be entered against you giving Plaintiff the right to evict you from the premises without any further court hearings. 5. Court employees are not permitted to give advice on legal questions. Notice to Occupant(s) Not Named on the Summons: If you live on the premises and wish to remain, you must come to Court even if you are not named as a Defendant on the Summons or Complaint. PLEASE SEE THE BACK OF THIS FORM FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURT PROCESS. IF YOU HAVE ANY ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT, OR YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, PLEASE CONSULT AN ATTORNEY PROMPTLY. CITATORIO DE COMPARENCIA AL TRIBUNAL Y AVISO DE AUDIENCIA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE SE LE EXIGE Y ORDENA QUE COMPAREZCA EL _____________ A LAS 9:00 A.M. PUNTUALMENTE a la Sala de Arrendadores e Inquilinos, 510 4th Street, NW. Edificio B. Entre las Calles E y F, N.W., paradero de Metro, Judiciary Square, l�nea roja 1. 2. 3. Entrada accesible para silla de ruedas por la Calle F. Se le demanda por transferencia de la tenencia de la propiedad en que habita. Este escrito es un citatorio de una demanda para su desalojamiento. La demanda adjunta a este citatorio declara la base del demandante para la tenencia que pide. Si la demanda no est� adjunta, hay una copia disponible en la oficina de la Secretar�a de Arrendador e Inquilino en la 510 4th Street, NW, Edificio B #110. 4. Si usted o su abogado no comparecen a la hora y en la fecha indicadas, se podr�a emitir un fallo en su contra por incomparecencia, permitiendo as� que el demandante lo desaloje del lugar sin necesitarse audiencias posteriores. 5. Al personal del tribunal no se les permite asesorar en cuestiones jur�dicas. Advertencia a los inquilinos no nombrados en la demanda: Si usted vive en la propiedad y desea permanecer ah� pero no ha sido mencionado como inquilino, debe presentarse al Tribunal aun si no es nombrado como demandado en la convocatoria o demanda. VEA AL DORSO DE ESTE FORMULARIO: INFORMACI�N IMPORTANTE SOBRE EL PROCESO JUDICIAL. SI TIENE M�S PREGUNTAS SOBRE EL CITATORIO Y LA DEMANDA O SOBRE SUS DERECHOS Y DEBERES, CONS�LTELE A UN ABOGADO PRONTO. ________________________________________________ Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney Address Phone No. Unified Bar No. Zip Code CLERK OF THE COURT Costs of this suit to date are $__________ Costas a la fecha ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Email Address (required only for attorneys) , (202) 879-4828 Veuillez appeler au (202) 879-4828 pour une traduction , (202) 879-4828 A (202) 879-4828 c� mt b�i dch, h�y gi (202) 879-4828 American LegalNet, Inc. IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU COME TO COURT: Contact one of these agencies for legal assistance or look on to learn about settlement options, legal defenses, presenting your case and more information about your rights as a tenant before your court date: Neighborhood Legal Services (202) 269-5100 Legal Counsel for the Elderly (202) 434-2120 D.C. Law Students in Court (202) 638-4798 Bread for the City (202) 265-2400 (202) 626-3499 The Legal Aid Society of D.C. (202) 628-1161 D.C. Bar Legal Information Help Line Residential landlords and tenants may also visit the Landlord Tenant Resource Center located at 510 4th Street, NW, Bldg. B, Room #115 (202) 508-1710. The Resource Center provides legal information from attorneys at no charge and is open from 9:15 a.m. to Noon, Mon. � Fri. YOUR LANDLORD HAS SUED TO EVICT YOU. COME TO COURT ON THE DATE YOUR SUMMONS REQUIRES YOU TO APPEAR: Come to court even if you think you do not owe any rent or have not violated your lease. If you do not come to court, or if you are late, you may be evicted without any further court hearings. You also may have a judgment for money entered against you, and your landlord may be allowed to garnish your wages or bank account. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID THE RENT: Read the Complaint carefully. Even if your rent is paid in full, the Complaint may include reasons other than unpaid rent, which the Plaintiff may rely on to seek your eviction. Even if the only reason the Plaintiff is suing you is unpaid rent, the Plaintiff may be able to seek your eviction in this case based on rent and late fees that come due after this Complaint was filed. Those charges may not be listed on this Complaint. The Plaintiff is not required to dismiss the Complaint unless the case is based on unpaid rent only and you bring your rental account to a "zero" balance as of the day you pay. YOU MUST BE IN THE COURTROOM PROMPTLY AT 9:00 AM AND YOU SHOULD EXPECT TO BE IN COURT FOR SEVERAL HOURS: The Judge will read an opening statement informing you of the court process and your rights as a defendant. Answer roll call when the clerk calls your name. If you get to court late, tell the clerk immediately that you have arrived. If a default has been entered ag