Affidavit Of Witness Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Affidavit Of Witness Form. This is a District Of Columbia form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
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Tags: Affidavit Of Witness, District Of Columbia Statewide, Superior Court
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION _________ WIL _________ (Link to: _________________) Estate of ________________________________ Deceased AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESS On this _____ day of _________________, 20___, _______________ personally appeared and answered the following questions: YES 1) Were you one of the witnesses who signed the attached written document which is dated _____________ and is said to be the (last will and testament) (codicil) of__________________________ of the District of Columbia who is now deceased? 2) Did the testator sign the document while in your present? 3) Did the testator say the document was his/her (will) (codicil)? 4) Did the testator seem to be of sound mind and aware of what he/she was doing at the time he/she signed the document? 5) Did the testator ask you to sign the document as a witness? 6) When you signed the document as a witness, were the testator and all of the witnesses who signed the document present? 7) Were you present when each of the other witnesses signed the document? 8) Did the testator ask the other people who signed the document to do so as the will was presented? 9) Was the testator present when each of the witnesses signed the document? NO December 2010 103.10.v1 American LegalNet, Inc. YES 10) Do you know of any will or codicil of ________________, testator other than the attached document? 11) What is your date of birth? ________________________________ NO REMARKS: I do solemnly declare and affirm under penalty of law that the contents of the foregoing document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. NAME: ____________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________ ____________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ December 2010 103.10.v1 American LegalNet, Inc.