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Case Management-Electronic Case Filing Registration Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Case Management-Electronic Case Filing Registration Form, South Carolina Federal, Bankruptcy Court
Check One:
______ New Form
______ Amended Form
This form is used to register for an account on the United States Bankruptcy Court’s Electronic Filing System.
Please complete the following required information to register for CM/ECF. (Type or Print)
Last Name: _________________________________ First Name: ___________________________ Middle Initial: _________ Suffix: _________
Company/Firm Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip Code: _________________________________________ Telephone No: (_____)_____________ Fax: (_____)______________
Are you an Attorney? G Yes
If YES and admitted to SC District Court, enter District Court ID Number: _______________________________
If YES and order entered granting pro hac vice practice, enter applicable Case Number(s): ___________________
(Reference SC LBR 2090-1 and District Court Local Rule 83.IX.01 – 83.IX.03)
G No
Type of Electronic Filer: Attorney G Limited Creditor G Trustee/UST G Auditor G Transcriber G Number of logins requested: ______
PRIMARY E-Mail Address for receipt of notice of electronic filing: _______________________________________________________________
ADDITIONAL E-Mail Address(es) to also receive notices1: ______________________________________________________________________
Training is required. Check one or more of the following:
_____ I have attended a training session provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of South Carolina, on_______________.
_____ I have completed the US Bankruptcy Court, District of South Carolina's on-line tutorial on ______________.
_____ I have received court approved training2 by another District/Court (Specify Court and District) _____________________________________.
By submitting this registration form, the undersigned agrees to abide by all Court rules, orders, and policies and procedures governing the use
of the electronic filing system. The undersigned requests and consents to notice and service pursuant to the Guidelines for the Filing of
Documents. The combination of the Filing User’s login, password, and /s/ [Typed Name] or digital signature serves as the signature of the
attorney filing the documents for purposes of Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9011. Attorneys must protect the security of their passwords and immediately
notify the court if they learn that an unauthorized user has compromised their password. The undersigned certifies that the following has been
reviewed in order to electronically file: 1) Operating Order • Guidelines for the Filing of Documents, 2) Participant’s Guides, and 3) Chambers
Guidelines and Information, which may be found on the Court’s web page at
Any change in address, telephone number, fax number, or e-mail address will require the immediate submission of an amended registration form.
Suspension from admission to practice and subsequent reinstatement will require submission of a new registration form in order to file documents
Choose One
Mail this form to:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
ATTN: Systems ECF Registration
1100 Laurel Street, Columbia SC
(Signature/Date) *a written signature (not a typed name) must appear on this form
Once your registration is complete, you will receive notification by e-mail as
to your login and password needed to access the system.
Court Use Only:
E-mail this form to:
Login Assigned: _________________________________
Prid: __________
Password Assigned: ________________________________________________
Rev. 12/31/2008
Pursuant to the Guidelines for the Filing of Documents, Participants have a duty to maintain current e-mail accounts.
The Clerk may delete an account that results in returned electronic mail. To set account preferences, utilize “Maintain User
Account” located under the Utilities option on the CM/ECF Main Menu Bar.
By submitting this registration form and indicating that I have satisfied the training requirement by having received
training in another District/Court, I certify that I am fully capable of filing electronically in this Court and have reviewed, in
addition to the documents set forth below, Fed. R. Bankr. P. 9037 regarding redaction of privacy information. I bear the risk
of any filing errors that may occur as a result of my electing not to complete a training session with this Court and accept any
consequences that may arise therefrom, including the inability to file a particular document, the possible striking of a
document, or other adverse relief.
American LegalNet, Inc.