Mediation Report
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Mediation Report Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in District Courts Of Appeal Appellate Courts.
Tags: Mediation Report, Florida Appellate Courts, District Courts Of Appeal
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA FIFTH DISTRICT Appellant(s), v. Appellate Case No. 5D County Case No. - Appellee(s). _____________________________________/ MEDIATION REPORT In accordance with the Court's mediation order, a mediation was held on _ __________________________, 20 ___, and 1. The result of the mediation is as follows: A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT was reached. The parties have FAILED TO REACH AN AGREEMENT. The parties have agreed to ADJOURN the mediation to (Date). 2. The mediation was not held because: Appellant(s) failed to appear Appellee(s) failed to appear Dated this day of , 20 . __________________________ Signature Certified Appellate Mediator, Print Name _______________ Cc: Joanne P. Simmons, Clerk Fifth DCA American LegalNet, Inc.