Certification Of Necessity Of Request For Emergency Hearing
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Certification Of Necessity Of Request For Emergency Hearing Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in USBC Middle Federal.
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Tags: Certification Of Necessity Of Request For Emergency Hearing, Florida Federal, USBC Middle
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA __________________ DIVISION www.flmb.uscourts.gov IN RE: Case No. Chapter Debtor(s). ____________________________/ CERTIFICATION OF NECESSITY OF REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY HEARING I HEREBY CERTIFY, as a member of the Bar of the Court, that I have carefully examined the matter under consideration and to the best of my knowledge, information and Belief formed after reasonable inquiry, all allegations are well grounded in fact and all contentions are warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law can be made, that the matter under consideration is not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass, to cause delay, or to increase the cost of litigation, and there is just cause to request a consideration of the following pleading on an emergency basis: I CERTIFY FURTHER that there is a true necessity for an emergency hearing, specifically, because [the moving party, i.e., "the Debtor"] seeks [brief statement of relief requested] and requires a hearing prior to [date] for the following reason: [brief statement of reason why the matter must be heard on an emergency basis] ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I CERTIFY FURTHER that the necessity of this emergency hearing has not been caused by a lack of due diligence on my part, but has been brought about only by circumstances beyond my control or that of my client. I further certify that this motion is filed with full understanding of F.R.B.P. 9011 and the consequences of noncompliance with same. DATED this _____ day of ____________________ , _____. SIGNATURE BLOCK Revised 1/25/2014 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com