Order Allowing Administrative Expenses
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Order Allowing Administrative Expenses Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in USBC Middle Federal.
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Tags: Order Allowing Administrative Expenses, Florida Federal, USBC Middle
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ORLANDO DIVISION In re , Debtor. ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. Chapter 7 ORDER ALLOWING ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES This case cam e on for consideration on the Notice of Trustee 's Final Report and Applications for Compensation (Doc. No. XX). The United States Trustee has reviewed the final report. All creditors and partie s in interest have been give n notice and the opportunity for a hearing of all pending applicati ons for compensation and all pendi ng administrative claims. All objections, if any, are resolved. It is therefore ORDE RED: 1. The following expenses of adm inistration which have not been paid are allowed, and the trustee is directed to pay these expenses to the person(s) indicated: Application or Reason Fees __________________, Trustee Professional TOTAL Expenses $ xxx.xx $ xxx.xx $ xxx.xx $ xxx.xx COSTS OF ADMINISTRATION ORDERED PAID: $ x,xxx.xx 2. The following expenses of adm inistration wh ich have been previously paid without entry by the Court of a specific order authorizing paym ent of the m are allowed as indicated: NONE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 3. The Trustee has reporte d to the Court that no rem aining assets are susceptible of liquidation and that any rem aining assets are burdensome and should be abandoned. That abandonment is authorized. DONE AND ORDERED in Orlando, Florida, on ______, 20__. United Copies furnished to: All parties in interest States Bankruptcy Judge Trustee [Name of submitting attorney] is directed to serve a copy of this order on interested parties and file a proof of service within 3 days of entry of the order. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com