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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FLORIDA IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP OF File No. Division an alleged incapacitated person COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION ORDER APPOINTING EXAMINING COMMITTEE On the petition of , whose age is to determine if and whose address is , is an incapacitated person, it is ADJUDGED as follows: 1. The following three persons shall comprise the committee to examine the alleged incapacitated person: NAME ADDRESS 2. The committee shall examine the alleged incapacitated person in accordance with the standards set forth in Florida Statutes Section 744.331. The examining committee shall determine the ability of the alleged incapacitated person to exercise those rights specified in Section 744.3215, Florida Guardianship Law. Each member of the examining committee shall submit a written report within fifteen (15) days of the date of this order, conforming to the requirements of Florida Statutes Section 744.331(3)(f) & (g). Bar Form No. G-2.040 - 1 of 2 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc. The report must be filed with this Court at least five (5) days before the hearing on the petition and a copy of the report must be served on the petitioner and on the alleged incapacitated person within three (3) days after the report is filed and at least five (5) days before the hearing on the petition. 3. The examining committee shall have access to, and may consider, previous examinations of the person, including but not limited to, habilitation plans, school records, and psychological and psycho-social reports voluntarily offered for use by the alleged incapacitated person. 4. hereof. The Clerk shall serve a copy of this order on each examiner within three days from the date ORDERED on , . Circuit Judge Bar Form No. G-2.040 - 2 of 2 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc.