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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION File No. Deceased. Division PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION Petitioner,_______________________________________________, alleges: 1. Petitioner has an interest in the above estate as . Petitioner's address is set forth in paragraph 3 and the name and office address of petitioner's attorney are set forth at the end of this petition. 2. was and, if known, whose age was died on 3. , , and the last four digits of whose social security number are , at Decedent, , whose last known address , , , . and on the date of death, decedent was domiciled in So far a s i s known, the names of the beneficiaries of this e state, includi ng th e de cedent's surviving spouse, if any, their a ddresses and relationships to de cedent, and t he years of b irth of any who are minors, are: NAME ADDRESS RELATIONSHIP YEAR OF BIRTH [if Minor] Bar Form No. P-2.0224 - 1 of 3 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc. 4. 5. Venue of this proceeding is in this county because . [select] Domiciliary o r p rincipal p robate proceedings [select] kno wn to be pen ding in anoth er , , , . state or country. Letters have been issued by the address of which is to whose address is 6. codicils. 7. Petitioner is entitled to summary administration because: [Strike each statement that is not applicable.] a. b. 8. After the exerci se of reason able diligence, petitioner is unaware of any unrevoked will s or To the best knowledge of the petitione r, the value of the entire estate subje ct to administration in this state does not exceed $75,000. The decedent has been dead for more than two years. The following is a complete list of the assets in this estate and their estimated values: Assets Estimated Value 9. With respect to claims of creditors: a. b. [Strike each statement that is not applicable.] All claims of creditors are barred. Petitioner has ma de diligent search and reasonable inq uiry f or a ny kno wn or reasonably ascertainable creditors and (1) (2) The estate is not indebted. The estate i s in debted a nd p rovision for th e p ayment of debts an d th e information required by Fl orida Statutes Section 735.206 and Florida Probate Rule 5.530 are set forth on the attached schedule. 10. All credito rs asce rtained to have claims petition. and whi ch have not joined in the petition or consented to entry of the order requested will be served by formal notice with a copy of this Bar Form No. P-2.0224 - 2 of 3 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc. Petitioner ackno wledges that any kn own or reasonably a scertainable credito r who did not re ceive timely notice of this petition and for whom provision for payment was not made may enforce a timely claim and, if the creditor prevails, sha ll be a warded reasonabl e attorn ey's fe es as an element o f costs agai nst those who joined in the petition. 11. It is proposed that all assets of the decedent be distributed to the following: Name Asset, Share or Amount Petitioner waives notice of hearing set forth in paragraph 11 of this petition. on this petit ion and re quests that an order of su mmary administration be e ntered directing distribution of the assets in the es tate in accordance with the schedule Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed on this ______ day of ____________________, ________. Petitioner Attorney for Petitioner Email Addresses: Florida Bar No. (add Telephone: ress) [Print or Type Names Under All Signature Lines] Bar Form No. P-2.0224 - 3 of 3 © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc.