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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION File No. Deceased. Division NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION WITHIN COURT FILING (Contemporaneous Filing) Pursuant to Florida Rule of Jucicial Administration 2.420(d)(2), I hereby certify: ( ) (1) I am filing herewith a document containing confidential information as described in Rule 2.420(d)(1)(B) and that: (a) The title/type of document is: (b) ( )The entire document is confidential, or ( ) The confidential information within the document is precisely located at: and Signed _____ on this ________ day of _____________________________, ________. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE delivery to: I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing hereof was furnished by _______________________________________________________________________ on this _______ day of _____________________________, ________. (All Parties and Affected Non-Parties, Note: If the name or address of a Party or Affected Non-Party is confidential DO NOT include such information in this Certificate of Service. Instead, serve the State Attorney or request Court Service. See Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.420(k)). Attorney for Personal Representative Email Addresses: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Florida Bar No. (address) Telephone: Note: The clerk of court shall review filings identified as containing confidential information to determine w hether the information is facially subject to confidentiality under subdivision (d)(1)(B). The clerk shall notifythe filer in w riting within 5 days if the clerk determines that the information is NOT subject to confidentiality, and the records shall not be held as confidential for more than 10 days, unless a motion is filed pursuant to subdivision (d)(3) of the Rule. Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.420(d)(2). © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. Bar Form No. P-1.0641 January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc.