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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF COUNTY, PROBATE DIVISION File No. Deceased. Division REQUEST FOR COPY OF INVENTORY The undersigned, 1. My address is I have an interest in the above estate as , states: . . 2. 3. The name and address of my attorney, if any, are as set forth below. I hereby certify that a copy of this request has been served on the attorney for the personal representative by mail on the date set forth below. I request that the personal representative of this estate serve copies of the inventory and all supplemental and amended inventories on me at the following address: Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing, and the facts alleged are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed on this _______ day of __________________________, ________. Attorney Email Addresses: Name Florida Bar No. (address) Telephone: © Florida Lawyers Support Services, Inc. [Print or Type Names Under All Signature Lines] Bar Form No. P-3.0910 January 1, 2017 American LegalNet, Inc.