Motion To Contest Impending Judgment
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Motion To Contest Impending Judgment Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
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Tags: Motion To Contest Impending Judgment, Law 244, Florida Local County, Brevard
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE COUNTY COURT, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION CIVIL MOTION TO CONTEST CRIMINAL JUVENILE IMPENDING JUDGMENT TRAFFIC OBLIGOR CASE NUMBER 05 - BAR CODE LABEL CLOCK IN OBLIGEE The Obligor, pursuant to Section 61.14(6)(c), F. S., makes this Motion to Contest the Impending Judgment for delinquent child support and/or alimony due after July 1, 1987. The grounds upon w hich the Obligor contests the impending judgment are as follow s: (check one or more) 1. Mistake of fact regarding an error in w hether the delinquency exists. 2. The amount of the delinquency. 3. The identity of the obligor. The obligor requests the Court to hear this motion w ithin 15 days after the date of the filing of this motion and to notify the Obligee of the date, time, and place of hearing. Obligor' s Signature Obligor' s Name Typed(Printed) Obligor' s Street Address Obligor' s City/State/Zip Code Obligor' s Telephone Number Law 244 Rev. 09/2005 American LegalNet, Inc.