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Order Setting Matter For Uncontested Final Hearing Or Status Conference Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
Tags: Order Setting Matter For Uncontested Final Hearing Or Status Conference, Law 1019, Florida Local County, Brevard
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. Case No.: __________________________________, Petitioner and , Respondent Bar Code Label ORDER SETTING MATTER FOR UNCONTESTED FINAL HEARING OR FOR STATUS CONFERENCE The Court having reviewed the file finds that: _____ The time to file an answer has expired, and therefore, IT IS ORDERED that: This case is set for an uncontested final hearing before Judge {name of judge} ___________________________, on {date}________________________, 200___, at {time} ___________, in Room _______, of the _____________________________ Courthouse. [v one only] _____ If no answer has been filed, please bring your default order. You will also need to bring proof of residency, i.e., a residency witness, affidavit of residency, valid Florida driver's license, or valid Florida voter registration card. _____ If an answer had been filed, this hearing will serve as a status conference. The Petitioner, or the attorney for the Petitioner, is required to notify all other parties immediately of this hearing. FAILURE TO APPEAR MAY RESULT IN A DISMISSAL OF THIS CASE DONE AND ORDERED in Brevard County, Florida on {date} ______________________, 20___. _______________________________________ Circuit Judge Law 1019 � rev. 10/2005 American LegalNet, Inc. ORDER SETTING MATTER FOR UNCONTESTED FINAL HEARING OR FOR STATUS CONFERENCE Page 2 Case No:_____________________________ ATTN: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. If you are a person with a disability who needs a special accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 2825 St. John Street., Third Floor, Viera, Florida 32940, (321) 633-2171 within 2 working days of your receipt of this notice; if you are hearing or voice impaired call 1-800-955-8771. Cc: Petitioner or their attorney (if represented) Name_____________________________ Address___________________________ _________________________________ City State Zip Respondent or their attorney (if represented) Name______________________________ Address____________________________ ___________________________________ City State Zip IF A NONLAWYER HELPED YOU FILL OUT THIS FORM, HE/SHE MUST FILL IN THE BLANKS BELOW: [! fill in all blanks] I, {full legal name and trade name of nonlawyer} ____________________________________, a nonlawyer, located at {street} ______________________________, {city}______________________, {state}______________, {phone}_______________, helped {Petitioner's name} __________________, ____________________________________, who [v one only] _____petitioner or _____ respondent, fill out this form. Law 1019 � rev. 10/2005 American LegalNet, Inc.