Affidavit As To Defendants Default In Stipulation Of Payment
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Affidavit As To Defendants Default In Stipulation Of Payment Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
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Tags: Affidavit As To Defendants Default In Stipulation Of Payment, Law 111, Florida Local County, Brevard
IN THE COUNTY COURT, EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION CIVIL CASE NUMBER: 05 CLOCK IN ________________________________________, Plaintiff ________________________________________, Defendant -XXXX-XX AFFIDAVIT AS TO DEFENDANT'S DEFAULT IN STIPULATION OF PAYMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BREVARD The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says as follows: 1. That he styled case. she is Plaintiff Agent for Plaintiff Attorney for Plaintiff in the above 2. That the above named Defendant(s) has (have) failed to make payment of money due said Plaintiff(s) in the manner provided in the Stipulation hereinbefore filed in this cause. 3. That the said Stipulation provided for the payment of damages in the amount of $_______________ and costs in the amount of $_______________ for a total of $_______________, and of that sum $______________ has been paid leaving a balance of 0.00 $_______________ now past due and unpaid. 0.00 4. That the Plaintiff(s) moves (s) the Court to render judgment in the above referenced case. And further the undersigned saith not. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME THIS _______ DAY OF _______________________, _______. ___________________________________ Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Agent/Plaintiff's Attorney _______________________________ Notary Public/Deputy Clerk Law 111 / Rev. 08-06-2015 1 American LegalNet, Inc.