3 Day Notice To Tenant (Pursuant To Chapter 83.56(3) F.S.
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3 Day Notice To Tenant (Pursuant To Chapter 83.56(3) F.S. Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
Tags: 3 Day Notice To Tenant (Pursuant To Chapter 83.56(3) F.S., Law 217, Florida Local County, Brevard
DATED 3 DAY NOTICE TO TENANT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 83.56(3) F.S. TO: FROM: Tenant's Name DATE: Address City, State, Zip Code You are herby notified that you are indebted to me in the sum of $ insert amount owed by Tenant for the rent and use of , County, Florida, county the premises insert address of leased premises now occupied by you and that I DEMAND PAYMENT OF THE RENT OR POSSESSION OF THE PREMISES WITHIN THREE WORKING DAYS (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays) FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY OF THIS NOTICE, TO WIT: on or before the day of , 20 (insert the date which is three days from the delivery of this notice, excluding the date of delivery, Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays). Hand Delivered on Posted On Signature Approved for use under rule 10-2.1(a) of the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar The Florida Bar 2010 Landlord Name/Property Manager (Circle One) Address [street address where Tenant can deliver rent] City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number This form was completed with the assistance of: Name: Address: Telephone Number: LAW 217 Rev. 11-16-2012 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com