Default Against Defendant As To Garnishment
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Default Against Defendant As To Garnishment Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
Tags: Default Against Defendant As To Garnishment, Law 279, Florida Local County, Brevard
IN THE COURT, EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL PLAINTIFF CASE NUMBER 05 CLOCK IN - - - XXXX-XX DEFENDANT DEFAULT AGAINST DEFENDANT AS TO GARNISHMENT GARNISHEE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DATE RETURN DATE IT APPEARING THAT , Respondent/Defendant(s) in the above entitled suit having been duly served according to law , and that said Respondent/Defendant(s) have failed to file and serve a Motion to Dissolve the Writ of Garnishment or other defense to the Writ of Garnishment w ithin the time prescribed by law . A DEFAULT is entered in this action against the above named defendant for failure to serve or file any paper as required by law . WITNESS my hand and Official Seal on the ______ day of ________________, 20 ____, in Brevard County, Florida. BY xc: Brevard County Clerk of Courts DC LAW 279 Rev. 05-02-2013 BAR CODE LABEL American LegalNet, Inc.