Garnishment Judgment-Default Garnishment Judgment-Continuing Garnishment Judgment
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Garnishment Judgment-Default Garnishment Judgment-Continuing Garnishment Judgment Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
Tags: Garnishment Judgment-Default Garnishment Judgment-Continuing Garnishment Judgment, Law 118, Florida Local County, Brevard
IN THE COURT, EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CIVIL PLAINTIFF CASE NUMBER 05 CLOCK IN - - - XXXX-XX DEFENDANT GARNISHMENT JUDGMENT DEFAULT GARNISHMENT JUDGMENT CONTINUNING GARNISHMENT JUDGMENT GARNISHEE THIS CAUSE came on to be heard upon the appliation of the Plaintiff, and after review of the file, the Court finds: The above named Garnishee is indebted to the above named Defendant in the amount of $_____________. This amount represents w ages or salary. The above named Garnishee is is not entitled to attorney' s fees in the amount of $_____________, w hich includes the attorney fee deposit pursuant to Sec. 77.28 F. S. The above named Garnishee failed to answ er or appear at the hearing set on the above styled Garnishment, and it thereby appearing to the Court that the said Garnishee has defaulted in this cause and rendered itself liable for the w hole amount of the Judgment debt of the Defendant; ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that The above named Plaintiff shall have and recover from the above named Garnishee the sum of $___________ for w hich let execution issue. Plaintiff' s costs, in the amount of $_____________, be taxed against the above named Defendant. Pursuant to Sec. 77.0305 F. S., as salary or w ages are being garnished, the Writ of Garnishment previously served shall continue and the Garnishee is hereby ordered to continue to w ithhold the appropriate amount from Defendant' s w ages or salary (25% of disposable earnings each pay period) and to make the periodic payments thereof directly to the Plaintiff through its attorney, if applicable, until said judgment amount listed on said Writ is satisfied or until further order of the Court. The Garnishee shall be allow ed to collect up to $5.00 against the salary or w ages of the Defendant as reimbursement for administrative costs for the first deduction from the Defendant' s salary or w ages, and up to $1.00 for each deduction thereafter. The Clerk of the Court is directed to pay $____________ deposited into the Registry of the Court to: ________________________________________ w hose address is ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. RECEIPT NO._______________ DATE PAID _______________ DONE AND ORDERED this ________day of __________________, 20_____, in Brevard County, Florida JUDGE LAW 118 Rev. 12-31-2012 BAR CODE LABEL American LegalNet, Inc.