Motion For Garnishment-Continuing Garnishment (After Judgment)
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Motion For Garnishment-Continuing Garnishment (After Judgment) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Brevard Local County.
Tags: Motion For Garnishment-Continuing Garnishment (After Judgment), Law 121, Florida Local County, Brevard
IN THE COURT, EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA MOTION FOR GARNISHMENT (AFTER JUDGMENT) DIVISION: CIVIL MOTION FOR CONTINUING GARNISHMENT (AFTER JUDGMENT) PLAINTIFF CASE NUMBER 05 CLOCK IN - - - XXXX-XX DEFENDANT GARNISHEE Plaintiff moves the Court to issue a Writ of Garnishment against the above named Garnishee and as grounds therefore alleges that the Plaintiff obtained a judgment against the above named defendant for the sum of $____________ in the above referenced case, and that there still remains due and unpaid on said judgment the sum of $____________. The Plaintiff does not believe that the defendant has in possession visible property upon w hich a levy can be made sufficient to satisfy the said judgment. The Plaintiff has reason to believe that the above named garnishee has in said garnishee' s hands, possession or control goods, monies, chattels, or effects belonging to the defendant. The Plaintiff further moves the Court to aw ard to the Plaintiff the costs incurred in this garnishment action. The Plaintiff further requests a continuing garnishment of w ages as per Sec. 77.0305 F. S. Plaintiff/Plaintiff' s Agent/Plaintiff' s Attorney Address Telephone RECEIPT NO _______________ DATE PAID _______________ LAW 121 Rev. 11-14-2012 BAR CODE LABEL American LegalNet, Inc.