Request To Suspend Drivers License And Motor Vehicle Registration
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Request To Suspend Drivers License And Motor Vehicle Registration Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Clay Local County.
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Tags: Request To Suspend Drivers License And Motor Vehicle Registration, Florida Local County, Clay
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR CLAY COUNTY, FLORIDA. PAYEE CASE NO.: VS. DIVISION: PAYOR Date of Birth: Drivers License #: REQUEST TO SUSPEND DRIVERS LICE NSE AND MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION I, hereby request the Central Governmental Depository to initiate drivers license suspension action against the above name
d Payor in accordance with the provisions of F.S. 61.13016 and 322.058. To the best of my knowledge, the Payors current address is: DATED this day of , 20 . Payees Signature Payees Address: City/State/Zip CC: New Address: Yes No ____________________________________ appeared before me and acknowledged that
he/she signed the foregoing this _________________ day of __________________________, 20______. ________________________________________Notary Public, State of Florida or Deputy Clerk Seal R Check one only: Personally known Produced identification Type of identification produced_________________________________________