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Final Judgment Of Dissolution Of Marriage (With Children) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Escambia Local County.
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Tags: Final Judgment Of Dissolution Of Marriage (With Children), Florida Local County, Escambia
IN RE: The Marriage of
Case No.: 200___ DR________
____________________________, Petitioner
Division: “
____________________________, Respondent
This cause came before this Court on a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Upon
consideration thereof and based upon the evidence presented, the Court finds it has
( ) limited jurisdiction ( ) jurisdiction over the persons and subject matter, and that the
marriage is irretrievably broken.
The following children were born of the marriage:
It is hereby ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows:
1. The bonds of marriage between the parties are dissolved.
2. The wife’s former/maiden name is restored and she shall hereafter be known as
____ 3. The Marital Settlement Agreement(s) filed in this proceeding was/were executed
voluntarily after full disclosure and is/are approved and incorporated into this judgment by
reference. The parties are ordered to comply therewith.
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____ 4. The parties shall have Shared Parental Responsibility of the above minor child(ren), or (
) the petitioner shall have Sole Parental Responsibility of the above minor child(ren), with the(
) husband/father ( ) wife/mother designated as primary residential custodial parent. The
( ) husband/father ( ) wife/mother will have visitation pursuant to ( ) the standard visitation
schedule or as follows:
____ 5. Child support shall be paid by the non-custodial parent to the ( ) wife/mother
( ) husband/father for the support of the minor child(ren) pursuant to Florida child support
guidelines in the amount of $
. Payments will be
( ) paid directly to the custodial parent or ( ) paid through the Clerk of the Circuit Court,
Domestic Relations Division, 2251 North Palafox Street, Pensacola, Florida, 32501. Payments
that are made to the clerk’s office, shall include the appropriate clerk’s processing fee of 4%, not
to be less than $1.00 nor greater than $5.25. The first payment is due on the
day of
, 200____, and shall continue as ordered until the youngest of the above named
child(ren) marries, reaches majority or becomes self-supporting, whichever first occurs unless
otherwise ordered by the court. Majority shall be defined as 18 years of age or graduation from
high school, whichever occurs last, but not to exceed 19 years of age or ( )child support shall
continue to be paid in accordance with the order entered on __________________________ in
case number ____________________ or ( ) the Court reserves jurisdiction over the matter of
child support.
6. ( ) Health insurance ( ) Dental Insurance for the minor child(ren) shall be provided
by ( ) wife ( ) husband. Medical and dental expenses not covered by insurance shall be
divided equally between the parties or paid as follows:__________________________________
____ 7. The ( ) husband ( ) wife shall maintain a
life insurance policy,
to secure the child support obligation, naming the ( ) wife ( ) husband as the irrevocable
beneficiary for the benefit of the minor child(ren).
____ 8. Alimony is awarded to the ( ) wife ( ) husband, in the amount of
$_______________________ per
. The first payment is due on the ______day
of__________________, 200____ and will be ( ) paid directly to the recipient or ( ) paid to
the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Domestic Relations Division, 2251 North Palafox
Street, Florida 32501. Payments to the clerk's office shall include the appropriate processing fee.
The foregoing alimony award is ( ) temporary and shall be paid for a period of _____
months or until _________________, 200____.
The foregoing alimony award is ( ) permanent and shall be paid as ordered above until
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such time as the recipient remarries or dies, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
____ 9. The custodial parent/alimony recipient is entitled to an income deduction pursuant to
Chapter 61, Florida Statutes.
____ 10. The non-custodial parent/payor is responsible for making child support and/or
alimony payments directly to ( ) the Clerk’s office ( ) the custodial parent/alimony recipient as
ordered above until and/or unless they see the deduction being made from their paycheck.
12. The Court reserves jurisdiction to enforce this final judgment. T h e w i f e ’ s c u r r e n t
a d d r e s s is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , a n d th e h u s b a n d ’s
c u r r e n t a d d r e s s is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
E a c h p a r ty is r e q u ir e d to k e e p th e C o u r t in fo r m e d o f a n y c h a n g e o f a d d r e s s b y filin g a
w r itte n n o tic e w ith th e C le r k o f C o u r t, F a m ily L a w D iv is io n , a n d p r o v id in g a c o p y to th e
o th e r p a r ty . E a c h p a r ty w ill b e d e e m e d to h a v e b e e n p r o p e r ly n o tic e d o f fu tu r e p r o c e e d in g s
b y u s e o f th e a d d r e s s th a t w a s la s t p r o v id e d to th e C o u r t.
DONE AND ORDERED at Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida, this ___ day of
________________________________, 20______.
Copies furnished to:
Clerk of Domestic Relations Division
American LegalNet, Inc.