Complaint For Eviction For Failure To Comply With Lease (Other Than Failure To Pay Rent)
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Complaint For Eviction For Failure To Comply With Lease (Other Than Failure To Pay Rent) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Escambia Local County.
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Tags: Complaint For Eviction For Failure To Comply With Lease (Other Than Failure To Pay Rent), 6, Florida Local County, Escambia
FORM 6- COMPLAINT FOR LANDLORD TO EVICT TENANTS FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH LEASE (OTHER THAN FAILURE TO PAY RENT) Form 6 should be used for eviction of tenants if the tenants default is
something other than failure to pay rent. If damages are sought a separate count, as set forth in Form 5A, is necessa
ry . See Instructions to Form 5 and Form 5A. American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 2 IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. (insert case number assigned by Clerk of the Court) , (Insert name of Landlord) Plaintiff, vs. , (Insert name of Tenant) COMPLAINT FOR EVICTION FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH LEASE (OTHER THAN Defendant. FAILURE TO PAY RENT) / Plaintiff, , sues Defendant, , and alleges: (insert name of Landlord) (
insert name of Tenant) 1. This is an action to evict a tenant from real property in
, County, Florida. (insert county in which the rental property is located) 2. Plaintiff owns the following described real property in said County:
. (insert legal or street description of rental property including, if ap
plicable, unit number) 3. Defendant has possession of the property under a/an (oral/written)
agreement to pay rent of $ payable
. (insert rental amount) (insert
terms of rental payments, i.e., weekly, monthly, etc.)A copy of the written agreement, if any, is attached as Exhibit A.
4. Plaintiff served defendant with a notice on , 20 , giving (insert date of notice) written notice to the Defendant that the Defendant was in violation of h
is rental agreement. A copy of said notice, setting forth violations of the rental agreement, is att
ached hereto as Exhibit B. Approved for use under rule 10-2.l(a) of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar The Florida Bar 1993 American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 3 5. Defendant has failed to correct or discontinue the conduct set forth
in the above-mentioned notice. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment for possession of the property aga
inst Defendant.
Landlords Name Address
Telephone Number This form was completed with the assistance of: Name: Address: Telephone Number: - American LegalNet, Inc.