Default Final Judgment For Past Due Rents (Count II)
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Default Final Judgment For Past Due Rents (Count II) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Hillsborough Local County.
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Tags: Default Final Judgment For Past Due Rents (Count II), COCV1271, Florida Local County, Hillsborough
IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Plaintiff(s) vs ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Defendant(s) Case No. Division _____________________ _____________________ DEFAULT FINAL JUDGMENT FOR PAST-DUE RENTS COUNT II THIS CAUSE came on to be heard before the Court upon the Plaintiff's COMPLAINT FOR TENANT EVICTION AND PAST DUE RENTS, and it appearing that the Defendant(s) was/were duly served and said Defendant(s) having failed to file any pleadings contesting the allegations of said COMPLAINT and a DEFAULT having been duly entered, and the Court having taken testimony/or received affidavits from the Plaintiff/Landlord, and being otherwise fully advised in the premises herein, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that a DEFAULT FINAL JUDGMENT FOR PAST DUE RENTS be and the same is hereby entered against the Defendant(s) ______________________________________ for PAST-DUE RENTS in the amount of $ _____________________. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Plaintiff shall recover from the Defendant(s) additional cost of $ _____________________ that shall bear interest at the quarterly interest rate as prescribed by Florida Statute 55.03, for which let execution issue. ORDERED at Tampa/Plant City, Florida, this ______ day of __________________, ________. _____________________________________________ County Judge cc: Plaintiff Defendant COCV1271(rev 10-11-2011) American LegalNet, Inc.