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Eviction Summons - Non-Residential Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Hillsborough Local County.
Tags: Eviction Summons - Non-Residential, COCV1360, Florida Local County, Hillsborough
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO.: DIVISION: Plaintiff(s) VS. Defendant(s) EVICTION SUMMONS/NON-RESIDENTIAL TO ALL AND SINGULAR THE SHERIFFS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve this SUMMONS and a copy of the COMPLAINT in the above styled cause upon the DEFENDANTS(S): whose name(s) and address is: TO THE DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE REQUIRED to mail or deliver the original of your WRITTEN ANSWER AND DEFENSES to the attached COMPLAINT to the CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT, 800 Twiggs St., Room 101, P. O. Box , Tampa, Florida 33601, or Plant City Branch Office, 301 N. Michigan Avenue, Room 1071, Plant City, Florida 3356, or any of the satellite offices located in Hillsborough County, AND a copy to Plaintiff or Plaintiff's attorney whose name and address is: PERSONAL SERVICE: IF THIS SUMMONS and a copy of the COMPLAINT have been personally served upon you or upon anyone residing at your residence who is 15 years of age or older, your WRITTEN ANSWER AND DEFENSE MUST be received by the CLERK within 5 WORKING DAYS of service as to the claim for possession of the premises AND within 20 DAYS as to the claim for arrears in rent (or other claims for money damages). POSTED-MAIL SERVICE: IF THIS SUMMONS and a copy of the COMPLAINT have been attached to a conspicuous place on your residence or you received it in the mail, your WRITTEN ANSWER AND DEFENSES MUST be received within 5 WORKING DAYS of the date the Clerk mailed a copy to you OR the date it was attached to some conspicuous place on the property described in the COMPLAINT. WHICHEVER OCCURRED LATER. The date of mailing is the date noted below in the Clerk's Certificate and the date of posting is the date noted thereon by the Process Server. If claim is for possession of real property, the tenant shall pay into the court registry the amount alleged in the COMPLAINT as unpaid, or is such amount is contested, such amount as is determined by the court, and any rent accruing during the pendency of the action, when due, unless the tenant has interposed the defense of payment or satisfaction of the rent in the amount the COMPLAINT alleges as unpaid. No personal checks accepted. MONIES DEPOSITED INTO THE REGISTRY OF THE COURT MUST BE IN THE FORM OF CASH, CASHIER222S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. A CLERK222S FEE OF 3% ON THE FIRST $500.00, AND 1 1/2% ON EACH SUBSEQUENT $100.00 MUST BE PAID IN ADDITION TO THE MONIES DEPOSITED. IF YOU FAIL TO ACT according to these instructions, a DEFAULT may be entered against you and a JUDGMENT FOR EVICTION AND/OR MONEY DAMAGES PLUS REASONABLE COURT COSTS AND ATTORNEY'S FEES may be entered without further notice to you. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court on the day of , . COCV1360 (201) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING PURSUANT OF FLORIDA STATUTE 83.22(2) (NON-RESIDENTIAL PREMISES) I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the SUMMONS and COMPLAINT in this cause was sent by First-Class Mail to the Defendant/Tenant to such address or location as has been designated by the Tenant for receipt of Notice in a written lease or other agreement or, if none has been designated, to the residence of the Tenant, if known, AND to the last known business address of the Tenant on the day of , , as required by Section 83.22(2) Florida Statutes. By: Deputy Clerk PAT FRANK AS CLERK OF THE COURT CIVIL DIVISION 800 Twiggs St., Room 101 TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602 (813)276-8100 BY: As Deputy Clerk THE COUNTY COURT DOES NOT PROVIDE INTERPRETERS OR TRANSLATORS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING YOUR OWN INTERPRETERS OR TRANSLATORS. LA CORTE DEL CONDADO NO PROVEE INTERPRETES O TRADUCTORES, USTED ES RESPONSABLE DE PROVEER SU PROPIO INTERPRETE O TRADUCTOR. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to t he provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Hillsborough County Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 604, Tampa, Florida 33602, (813) 272-7040, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. COCV1360 (05-2015) Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.