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Judgment For Possession (Count I) Form. This is a Florida form and can be use in Hillsborough Local County.
Tags: Judgment For Possession (Count I), COCV1774, Florida Local County, Hillsborough
IN THE COUNTY COURT CIVIL IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ PLAINTIFF(S)/LANDLORD(S) VS ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ DEFENDANT(S)/TENANT(S) CASE NO____________________________ DIVISION____________________________ JUDGMENT FOR POSSESSION COUNT I THIS CAUSE came on to be heard before the Court upon the Plaintiff's /Landlord's COMPLAINT FOR TENANT EVICTION from the herein after described premises, and it appearing that Defendant(s) /Tenant(s)was/were duly served with Notice and process as required by law and Defendant(s)/Tenant(s): having filed his/her answer and failed to deposit money into the Registry of the Court as required by law and an immediate default has been entered by the Court. having failed to file any pleading contesting the allegation of said Complaint and a default has been entered by the Clerk. and the Court having taken testimony/or received Affidavits from the Plaintiff(s)/Landlord(s). IT IS, THEREFORE, considered by the Court that a Judgment be and is hereby entered against the defendant(s) herein, and that the Plaintiff(s)/Landlord(s), do have and recover of and from the Defendant(s)/Tenant(s), __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ possession of the premises situated in the County of Hillsborough, State of Florida described as:_____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and the Clerk of this Court shall issue a Writ of Possession under the Seal of this Court directed to the Sheriff of Hillsborough County, Florida, describing the premises and commanding him to put the Plaintiff(s)/Landlord(s), in possession of said premises. WRIT OF POSSESSION SHALL: issue upon signing of this Judgment. not issue for ten (10) days from date of this Judgment. that shall bear interest at the quarterly interest rate as Plaintiff(s) is awarded Court costs in the amount of $ prescribed by Florida Statute 55.03, for which let execution issue. The Court may reserve jurisdiction to enter a money judgment against the Defendant(s), pursuant to Florida Statute 83.625, if applicable. ORDERED at Tampa/Plant City, Florida, this day of , . ________________________________________ COUNTY JUDGE COCV1774(Rev.10/11/2011) American LegalNet, Inc.